Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Michelangelo Essay -- essays research papers

During the dates 1475-1564 there weremany famous panthers working all around the world. One ofwhich was Michelangelo. He painted and sculpted manyfamous items that are placid talked about today. Michelangeloled a very buisy life, as of which you will be reading abouttoday. Michelangelo was born in 1475 in a small hamlet ofCaprese near Arezzo At the age of 13 michelangelosfather Ludovico Buonarroti placed michelangelo in theworkshop of the painter Domenico Ghirlandaio throughconnections with the ruling Medici family. About two dayslater michelangelo studied at the sculpture school in theMedici gardens. Shortly thereafter he was invited into thehousehold of the Magnincent, Lorenzo deMedici. Wherehe had an oppertunity to converse with younger Medici,which later became pontiff Leo X. As he was alsointroduced to humanists as Marsilio Ficino and the poetPolitian, who were frequent visiters. By the age of 16Michelangelo had produced two relief sculptures ,the battleof the Centaurs and the Madonna of the stairs, whichshowed that he had achieved a very personal style at a veryearly age. His patron Lorenzo died in 1492 two years laterMichelangelo fled Florence,when the Medici weretemporarily expelled. For a duration he was settled inBologna, where in 1494 and 1495 he sculpted severalmarble statuettes for the arca (shrine) di San Domenico.Michelangelo went to Rome, where he was able toexamine many newly unearthed untarnished statues and ruins.He soon produced his first large sculpture the over life sizeBacchus in 1496-1498. One of the few works of paganrather than Christian subject made by the master, it rivaledancient statuary, the highest mark of admiration inRenaissance Rome. At about the samr time periodMichelangelo did the marble Piet in 1498. It was immaculatein 1500. It was one of the most famous works of art, thePiet was probubly finished before Michelangelo was 25years old, and is the only piece of work he ever signed. Inthe piece the youthfull bloody sh ame is shown seated majestically,holding the dead Christ across her lap, it was a theme thatwas borrowed from northern European art. Instead ofrevealing extreme grief, Mary is restrained, and herexpression is one of resignation. In this work, Michelangelosummerizes the sculptural innovations of his 15th-centurypredecessors such as Donatello, while ushering in the newmonumentality... ...helangelo ultimatelybecame responsible for the altar end of the building on theexterior and for the final form of its dome. The greatRenaissance poet Ludovico Ariosto wrote succinctly of thisfamous artist Michael more than mortal, divine angel.Indeed, Michelangelo was widely awarded the epithetdivine because of his extraordinary accomplishments. cardinal generations of Italian painters and sculptures wereimpressed by his treatment of the human figure Raphael,Annibale Carracci, Jacopo da pontormo, RossoFiorentino, Sebastiano del Piombo, and Titan. His domefor Saint Peters became the symbol of authorit y, as well asthe model, for domes all over the Western world themajorityof state capitol buildingsin the united states, as wellas the Capitol building in Washington D.C., are dirivedfrom it. Michelangelo died in 1564 and his consistence wasplaced in a fine monument in the church of Santa Croce. Toconclude, Michelangelo led a long and very talented life. Asa painter sculpture, poet and architect. He has manyfamous pieces of work still known and talked about today,all around the world. Many people knew him and lovedhim and those who didnt know him personaly, knew ofhim.

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