Wednesday, October 30, 2019

THE ENGLISH LAW OF TORT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

THE ENGLISH LAW OF TORT - Essay Example This was demonstrated in the case of Best v Samuel Fox & Co Ltd 1 in which a wife attempted to sue her husband’s employers for his inability to have intercourse with her, due to an accident at work that had left him emasculated. The claim failed on the basis that the claimant had no proprietary right over her husband, and therefore no injuria had been suffered by the claimant. In contrast, however, it is possible for a claim to be brought where no damage has been suffered. This could occur in the case of the tort of trespass and libel. Merely entering onto the land of another without their consent can be actionable, even of the trespasser causes no damage to the land. Likewise, with libel, the publication of the libel can result in an action being brought by the claimant, without requiring the claimant to prove that any loss was suffered as a result of the wrong. In order to prove that the injuria has caused the damnum it is not necessary to prove the intent of the person causing the harm. Even when intent can be proven, the court can determine that the action of the defendant is not illegal, and therefore not actionable. This was determined in The Mayor of Bradford (Bradford Corporation) v Pickles (1895)2 , in which the defendant placed a well on his land, knowing that this would interrupt the water supply of the town and discolour it. Although in this case the motive of the defendant was malicious, the court ruled that his actions were legal as he was entitled to do whatever he liked on his own land3. Conversely, in Wilkinson v Downton (1897)4, the claimant successfully claimed damages, despite the fact that the harm was caused as a result of a joke, and the defendant lacked any intention to cause harm to the claimant. Intention can be of relevance in bringing a claim in cases of malicious prosecution5, falsehood6, or defamation7 as well as in claims for nuisance. One such case where nuisance was established as actionable was

Monday, October 28, 2019

Medieval University Essay Example for Free

Medieval University Essay Everything that is going on around us was developed in some point during history. We can assume that all ideas had to come from some prior idea. As students of history, it is in our ability to wonder what cultural and social constructions are still present today from the any other time in historical period. What particular concepts still exist within the world or specifically the United States? An idea that is still very present in America is the university. When did the idea of schools first come into full importance? What was taught and when did the concept expand into colleges and universities? The first universities were commenced in Paris during the Early Middle Ages. This is where the first concepts of higher learning were instituted and based off. In chapter seven of Discovering the Western Past: A Look at the Evidence Volume 1, the book explains the history of colleges and universities, they were simpler than modern schools but took hold of what general is taught today. In Europe during the medieval period, most education was handled in the small schools, where they taught Latin to male children. Students who would go to become clergymen were taught more advance subjects in cathedral schools. When the schooling community grew too large, colleges were set in place for student housing. Most modern university or college has housing for students. Student housing was strict and much regulated in the middle ages. These students, most of them, were to go on and become part of the clergy. Those who ran the colleges wanted to keep watch of the behavior being displayed by students of their institution. Compared to the rules of most residence halls in American universities, these restrictions seem preposterous. Rules included no one shall have loud shoes or clothing by which scandal might be generated in any way also no fellow shall presume to sleep outside of the house in town, and if he did so for reason, he shall take pains to submit his excise to the bearer of the roll†¦ also no women of any sort shall eat in the private rooms. If anyone violates this rule, he shall pay assessed penalty, namely, sixpence. You can see how important the curriculum was important during college in medieval life. There was no trace of extra activities and such like there are today. Clubs and leagues are western concepts that came later. Residence halls now are still very strict but some can be lenient towards student desires. Then learning was the highest priority. In source 11, a description of student life in Paris during the Middle Ages is explained more clearly. It says, Almost all the students at Paris, foreigners and natives, did absolutely nothing except learn or hear something new. Clearly now, the college of the university is not just the resident halls. Colleges are considered an institution in which a liberal arts degree can be acquired. The difference between a college and a university is that a college just presents a set of degrees in specific areas while a university is a collection of colleges. Content and teaching styles varied during the middle ages, as they do now. Degrees for teaching were given out to people who could right acquire them, Believing that the chancellor often either granted the right teach to unqualified parties or simply sold licenses outright, they began to require that prospective teachers pass an examination set by the university besides getting the chancellors approval. Many of these instructors had their own style teaching. In source five of the chapter sevens content, one teacher lays out his expectations like how modern day professors give out syllabi, he says, All writings belonging to this class are to be read with full freedom to criticize, and with no obligation to accept unquestioningly; otherwise the way would be blocked to all discussion, and posterity be deprived of the excellent intellectual exercise of debating difficult questions of language and presentation. The content of school was not very far off from what most places teach today. James Hannam of the University of Cambridge says, A great deal of the business of natural philosophy, mathematics and medicine during the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern period took place in the setting of the universities What almost all universities had in common was that they were self governing corporations that were supported by both church and state. Their major purpose was to train men to be lawyers, theologians and physicians but they were also  increasingly used by the gentry to educate their sons in the cultural skills necessary for courtly life. Some universities like the University of Bologna specialized in certain categories of learning. The University of Bologna would be considered a law school. The university is historically notable for its teaching of canon and civil law; indeed, it was set up in large part with the aim of studying the Digest, a central text in Roman law, which had been rediscovered in Italy in 1070, and the university was central in the development of medieval Roman law. says universities Wikipedia page. The differences between universities of the middle Ages in Europe and modern day universities in America are quite apparent but their similarities suggest that some customs were brought to the west. These universities like Cambridge, Bologna, Paris, and Oxford are the models of what higher education is today. They are what came before what we have today. That is why it is important to study history as a whole thus we can see what aspects are being used in society today. [ 1 ]. Merry E. Wiesner, Julius R. Ruff, William Bruce Wheeler. Discovering the Western Past: A Look at the Evidence. V1. Ed:6th. pp 147. [ 2 ]. Merry E. Wiesner, Julius R. Ruff, William Bruce Wheeler. Discovering the Western Past: A Look at the Evidence. V1. Ed:6th. pp 158-9. [ 3 ]. Merry E. Wiesner, Julius R. Ruff, William Bruce Wheeler. Discovering the Western Past: A Look at the Evidence. V1. Ed:6th. pp 166. [ 4 ]. Merry E. Wiesner, Julius R. Ruff, William Bruce Wheeler. Discovering the Western Past: A Look at the Evidence. V1. Ed:6th. pp 147. [ 5 ]. Merry E. Wiesner, Julius R. Ruff, William Bruce Wheeler. Discovering the Western Past: A Look at the Evidence. V1. Ed:6th. pp 160 [ 6 ]. http://www. hps. cam. ac. uk/research/memu. html [ 7 ]. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/University_of_Bologna.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Essay -- Health, Diseases, Stress

Friedrich Nietzsche once said, â€Å"That which does not kill us makes us stronger.†(Bailey, Eileen) While this is often the case, certain tragedies are simply too overwhelming for the body and mind to recover from. Instead of making one stronger, some things leave the human body weakened both emotionally and physically. When faced with gargantuan amounts of stress, some people have mental or emotional breakdowns resulting in post-traumatic stress disorder. Post-traumatic stress disorder, commonly known as PTSD, is an anxiety disorder that can occur after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic or life threatening event that causes intense feelings of fear or helplessness. PTSD affects most people differently depending on the individual, but most of the symptoms are similar. These symptoms can be separated into three main categories: re-experiencing symptoms, avoidance behaviors, and symptoms of hypervigilance.(Thomas 17) Re-experiencing symptoms include nightmares, upsetting memories, or painful flashbacks. After working on machines and tanks, many veterans who return home have associated the smell of diesel fuel with flashbacks of combat and gory battles. Avoidance behaviors are also common in PTSD patients. People often become frightened of everyday simple tasks because of trauma they have experienced. Some people are terrified to ride in cars because they have been involved in horrible car wrecks. Hypervigilance simply involves a person being alert or on edge at all times. (Thomas 18-21) PTSD can be caused by many different things but some of the common causes are war, terrorism, rape, a severe accident, or natural disasters. The National Center for PTSD said that about 60 percent of men and 50 percent of women will exp... ...uggling to get through the day. If a person is putting too much energy into balancing their lives with therapy and stress relief then medication is the next step. Currently the Food and Drug Administration has approved only two medications fot the treatment of PTSD; Sertraline(Zoloft) and Paroxeine(Paxil). They are both anti-depressant drugs called Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors or SSRIs. They work by blocking the site on neurons that remove serotonin from the synapses, a process called reuptake. This allows the body access to more serotonin. It has a calming effect on the body and relieves the PTSD symptoms of hypervigilance and intrusive thoughts, as well as countering depression and panic attacks.(Thomas 60) PTSD is very serious and it affects people everyday. Some events are simply too traumatic for one’s mind and body to handle. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Essay -- Health, Diseases, Stress Friedrich Nietzsche once said, â€Å"That which does not kill us makes us stronger.†(Bailey, Eileen) While this is often the case, certain tragedies are simply too overwhelming for the body and mind to recover from. Instead of making one stronger, some things leave the human body weakened both emotionally and physically. When faced with gargantuan amounts of stress, some people have mental or emotional breakdowns resulting in post-traumatic stress disorder. Post-traumatic stress disorder, commonly known as PTSD, is an anxiety disorder that can occur after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic or life threatening event that causes intense feelings of fear or helplessness. PTSD affects most people differently depending on the individual, but most of the symptoms are similar. These symptoms can be separated into three main categories: re-experiencing symptoms, avoidance behaviors, and symptoms of hypervigilance.(Thomas 17) Re-experiencing symptoms include nightmares, upsetting memories, or painful flashbacks. After working on machines and tanks, many veterans who return home have associated the smell of diesel fuel with flashbacks of combat and gory battles. Avoidance behaviors are also common in PTSD patients. People often become frightened of everyday simple tasks because of trauma they have experienced. Some people are terrified to ride in cars because they have been involved in horrible car wrecks. Hypervigilance simply involves a person being alert or on edge at all times. (Thomas 18-21) PTSD can be caused by many different things but some of the common causes are war, terrorism, rape, a severe accident, or natural disasters. The National Center for PTSD said that about 60 percent of men and 50 percent of women will exp... ...uggling to get through the day. If a person is putting too much energy into balancing their lives with therapy and stress relief then medication is the next step. Currently the Food and Drug Administration has approved only two medications fot the treatment of PTSD; Sertraline(Zoloft) and Paroxeine(Paxil). They are both anti-depressant drugs called Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors or SSRIs. They work by blocking the site on neurons that remove serotonin from the synapses, a process called reuptake. This allows the body access to more serotonin. It has a calming effect on the body and relieves the PTSD symptoms of hypervigilance and intrusive thoughts, as well as countering depression and panic attacks.(Thomas 60) PTSD is very serious and it affects people everyday. Some events are simply too traumatic for one’s mind and body to handle.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Why Will IT Continue To Affect Education Education Essay

Research shows that Information Technology will go on to impact instruction because it adjusts to larning manners and is in demand, despite cost and pupil disablements. Jennifer Cromley provides considerations of utilizing computing machines in instruction. It discusses the countries where computing machines are and are non utile in instruction. It besides provides utile advice. The article contains many mentions with back uping and opposing point of views. The writer is an Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology. The article was published in Focus on Basics magazine. It is a quarterly magazine for practicians created by The National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy ( NCSALL ) .NCSALL is a research and development centre and is funded by assorted authorities and educational establishments. It supports the thought that computing machines can be used by handicapped pupils and enhances larning. It is besides used for an opposing point of view in the debut ( Cromley, 2000 ) . Farr, G. ( 2009 ) . Mad magazine to Facebook: what have we learned? . Teacher Librarian, 36 ( 5 ) , 30-32. The Shannon Learning Center in Texas supports the usage of engineering in the schoolroom. It quotes a rule, contains illustrations from his yesteryear and a nexus to a picture to back up his points. The picture efficaciously demonstrates a demand from pupils to be allowed the usage of cell phones in school. The pupils likely have an subterranean motivation, but the article provides a possible solution. Gregg Farr is a high school rule in Texas at Shannon Learning Center. The journal article was published in Teacher Librarian: The Journal for School Library Professionals. It has been printing the diary for 30 old ages. It is used to back up the decision that Information Technology will go on to impact instruction due to a demand from pupils ( Farr, 2009 ) . Gulchak, D. ( 2008 ) . Using a nomadic handheld computing machine to learn a pupil with an emotional and behavioural upset to self-monitor attending. Education & A ; Treatment of Children, 31 ( 4 ) , 567-581. Daniel Gulchak discusses surveies that show how computing machines can help handicapped pupils instruction by supplying behavioural feedback. He specifically describes a survey conducted on a person that utilizes a hand-held computing machine with the intent of proving its effectivity on a pupil with an attending upset. The computing machine is used to assist the pupil better his ain behaviour during a undertaking. The survey concluded that behaviour improved by 34 % . Academicians improved as a consequence because it improved his ability to be taught. The writer reveals that more surveies need to be done and that the survey does non supply grounds that the computing machine was more effectual than traditional methods. Daniel Gulchak has his ain web site, a Doctoral grade, and works at the Institute for Human Development. Education & A ; Treatment of Children is a diary published by the West Virginia University Press. The journal article is used to demo that computing machines can be adapted for disablements ( Gulchak, 2008 ) . Hargadon, S. ( 2010, March 1 ) . Educational networking: The function of Web 2.0 in instruction [ available full-text, free ] . Multimedia & A ; Internet @ Schools. Retrieved March 8, 2010, from hypertext transfer protocol: // This article describes how societal networking has enhanced educational networking and assists professional development. It discusses how societal networking can do the acquisition experience more efficient, convenient, and gratifying. It is a good beginning for pedagogues to utilize for considerations when implementing educational networking. Steve Haragon has his ain web site and is a Social Learning Consultant that has founded a societal acquisition web known as Classroom 2.0. The article was published in Multimedia & A ; Internet @ Schools magazine. The magazine is a usher to electronic tools for instructors. I found this beginning seeking to happen the publishing house of one of the original beginnings. I exchanged beginnings because the original beginning ‘s publishing house no longer existed ; it is newer and better than the original. It is used in confederation with another beginning to demo how Information Technology and adjusts to larning manners. It provides an illus tration of how educational networking can be cost efficient ( Hargadon, 2010 ) . Hinchliff, G. ( 2008 ) . Toddling toward engineering: Computer usage by really immature kids. Children & A ; Libraries: The Journal of the Association for Library Service to Children, 6 ( 3 ) , 47-49. The Association for Library Service to Children ( ALSC ) discusses many surveies that show computing machines are good to immature kids. It mentions more surveies that need to be done and identifies some of the jobs and makes suggestions for the usage of computing machines for immature kids ‘s instruction. Gaye Henchliff is a librarian who created this diary article for the Research and Development Committee at ALSC. ALSC concentrates on doing libraries better for kids. The article is used to demo that computing machines can be utilized to better instruction among immature and handicapped kids because it enhances their learning experience ( Hinchliff, 2008 ) . O'Lawrence, H. ( 2006 ) . The influences of distance larning on grownup scholars. Techniques: Connecting Education & A ; Careers, 81 ( 5 ) , 47-49. Techniques: Connecting Education & A ; Careers discusses factors refering grownups in distance acquisition plans. It is utile to utilize as a resource for finding whether to inscribe in on-line class reveals some of the jobs associated with distance acquisition. Henry O'Lawrence works in the Occupational Studies Department at California State University. The diary published by the Association for Career and Technical Education ( ACTE ) . ACTE was founded in 1926 and is a primary association for the betterment of instruction. It is used to demo a demand for information engineering in instruction for distance acquisition and provides some opposing points ( O'Lawrence, 2006 ) . Pelham, B. , Crabtree, S. , & A ; Nyiri, Z. ( 2009 ) . Technology and instruction. Harvard International Review, 31 ( 2 ) , 74-76. The Harvard International Review discusses the contention environing whether computing machines are cost and educationally efficient. It shows that some hapless states have higher tonss due to computing machines. It gives an illustration of pupils in Nigeria that did an analysis using energy efficient computing machines provided by the One Laptop Per Child plan initiated by President Clinton. Three writers worked on this to be published in the Harvard International Review, which is a extremely respected forum for educational argument. It is used to demo that Information Technology is cost efficient and in demand by the authorities in instruction. It provides grounds that computing machines will go on to impact instruction ( Pelham, Crabtree & A ; Nyiri, 2009 ) . Thilmany, J. ( 2008 ) . A fount for you. Mechanical Engineering, 130 ( 9 ) , 18. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers ( ASME ) reveals a new manner of runing computing machines that is being developed at the University of Washington in Seattle. It describes the manner many things are adjustable to our demands, and it makes a contrast to the manner computing machines have typically been inactive. The new system is described to be used for people with disablements, but it is a good illustration to demo how computing machines can alter for the benefit of each person. The writer is presently one of the Associate Editors of Mechanical Engineering Magazine, the magazine of ASME. The article is from the same magazine. ASME is the taking professional community to assist applied scientists work out jobs by the usage of communicating. It besides develops codifications and criterions to advance the growing of cognition and safety. The article is used to show how the adaptability of computing machines can forestall a disablement from being a factor for runing a compu ting machine. It is besides used to in concurrence with another beginning to show how computing machines can accommodate to help acquisition manners ( Thilmany, 2008 ) . Thilmany, J. ( 2009 ) . Calculating. Mechanical Engineering, 131 ( 7 ) , 14-16. Jean Thilmany covers the application of some of the latest technological thoughts ensuing from the usage of computing machines. The subjects covered are: potentially bettering the design of a dust mask, a better apprehension of the behavioural consequence of picture games on pupils, the demand for more coders for the United States to remain up to day of the month in computing machine simulations, a new signifier of web that makes it faster to treat big sums of informations, new package utilized to aline a camera to find the enlargement of the existence. It can be noticed that computing machines are being applied to many different Fieldss, but it does n't indicate that out in the article. The magazine and writer is the same as the old mention. It on occasion quotes research workers, professors, applied scientists, and a plan manager from establishments and refers to major organisations of authoritiess which besides make the article even more utile. The survey of the behavioural conseq uence of picture games on pupils is used to back up the suggestion made from the old mention by utilizing it as an illustration of an version to video games that resulted in a erudite behaviour form in both surveies, this shows that video games as a acquisition manner was assisted by an accommodation to the game. Part of the article is used to demo a demand by the United States authorities for Information Technology in instruction ( Thilmany, 2009 ) Tsung-Yen, C. , & A ; Wei-Fan, C. ( 2009 ) . Consequence of computer-based picture games on kids: An experimental survey. Journal of Educational Technology & A ; Society, 12 ( 2 ) , 1-10. The writers describe an experimental survey among 3rd graders at Tainan City, Taiwan. It began with a void research hypothesis saying that picture games do non better learning any more than a typical Computer Assisted Instruction ( CAI ) . It statistically concluded that picture games improve larning but did n't better judgement. It is suggested that the game used was excessively hard to learn judgement accomplishments. This survey is good to demo how computing machines can better larning when applied decently. Both of the writers have Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate grades. The Journal of Educational engineering & A ; Society is a quarterly academic diary. The beginning is used to turn out how computing machines can be adjusted to better acquisition manners ( Tsung-Yen & A ; Wei-Fan, 2009 ) .

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

“Equus” by Peter Schaffer Essay

Equus The play â€Å"Equus† by Peter Schaffer investigates ideas of faith, passion, violence, and adolescent sexuality. Schaffer was inspired to write the play after hearing a true story; a crime involving a teenage boy’s seemingly motiveless violence and injury to horses. Equus is a fictional account of what Schaffer believes could have happened before the incident, helping to explain the psychology and reasoning behind the boy’s mysterious and disturbing crime. Equus follows closely the character of 17 – year-old boy Alan Strang, but also his psychiatrist, Martin Dysart. In this piece of writing, I plan to explain how we explored the play of Equus in a variety of different activities within our drama class. Response The play opens with Martin Dysart, the psychiatrist, performing a soliloquy that introduces the main themes of the play. Scene one is devoted entirely to this speech, which shows its importance and vitality. We learn much about Dysart from this speech. For example, the line â€Å"All reined up in old/language and old assumptions† illustrates how he feels trapped and frustrated in his life. In addition, he says, â€Å"I’m desperate† which shows his exhaustion and frustration. This Scene was particularly challenging to rehearse and perform for various reasons. For one, it is a long speech so there is the challenge of learning it. Also, you need to make sure that your volume, tone, and speed are correct. There are very few stage directions so there is the added difficulty of knowing how to act when performing, and how to show his pain and anger. It is also hard, when rehearsing a piece, not to lose its spontaneity – which is particularly vital in this speech. In Scene two, Dysart is visited by Hester Salomon, a magistrate and close associate of Dysart, and Alan’s horrific crime is revealed to the audience. The line Hester speaks is very simple, but tells all that is necessary: â€Å"He blinded six horses with a metal spike†. My initial response to this line was shock, revulsion, and horror, but at the same time I was intrigued why Hester thought Dysart would be able to ‘fix’ Alan (Does he have more power or authority than the psychiatrists?) My feelings, however, did change as the play unfolded and I became more understanding and less shocked as the question of â€Å"why did he do it† was explored. At the beginning of Scene three (and the end of Scene two), we are introduced to Alan Strang, who has committed this terrible act. In this scene, Dysart questions Alan, but rather than simply replying, Alan chooses to sing television adverts. This gives a very strange first impression. We later find out that Alan was forbidden to watch TV – so how does he know these ‘tunes’? This was a very difficult scene to rehearse and perform without laughing and it was amusing to watch. Another scene we studied closely was Scene seven. In this scene, Dysart goes to visit Alan’s parents, Mr and Mrs Strang. From this scene, we learn much about Alan’s upbringing and how events in his childhood may have subconsciously had a negative effect on Alan, and how it may have influenced what he did. One of the main factors that had a strong influence on Alan was his mother’s somewhat extreme obsession with religion. Dora Strang is a very religious woman, with strong Christian beliefs, whereas Alan’s father, Frank, is an atheist who is worried that Dora’s constant reading of the Bible to Alan has had a negative effect on him; â€Å"†¦it’s the Bible that’s responsible for all this†¦an innocent man tortured to/death – thorns driven into his head – nails into his hands†¦it can mark anyone for life†¦all that stuff to me is just bad/sex† In reading this scene, I think Schaffer wanted the audience to feel intrigued about the big part religion has played – also, in a conversation between Dora and Dysart near the start of the scene, she says: â€Å"Alan’s always been such a gentle boy. He loves animals! /Especially horses! This confuses the audience slightly because it makes you think that if he liked horses so much, why did he do such a terrible thing to them? This information enables us to understand Alan’s obsession with horses, later revealed in the play. The scene also draws very strong images of Frank and Dora, who are both very different from one another: Dora has unintentionally influenced her son with religion, and she is very upset over the matter: â€Å"I simply†¦don’t understand†¦Alan! (She breaks sown in sobs)†. Frank, on the other hand, seems to spend little time with Alan, and didn’t let him watch TV (Dysart): But surely you don’t have a set, do you? I understood Mr Strang doesn’t approve.† This may also have affected Alan because it prevented him from being like ordinary children – encouraging him to become weird. Schaffer creates a negative image of both characters for this reason, but also makes you pity them. They purposely mean to hurt Alan and are both shocked and distraught about what has happened. As a director, I would want to emphasise how the Strang family is very different from an ordinary family, Dora with her strong religious beliefs and Frank insisting on no TV. The third and final scene we studied in depth was Act 2, Scene 33. In this scene, Jill has lured Alan back to the stables – although Alan is reluctant and unsure of whether he should go. Scene 32: (Alan – to Jill) â€Å"The stables?† (Jill) â€Å"Of course!†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ (Alan recoiling) â€Å"No!† Alan says ‘no’ to Jill three more times, but they still go. Later, in Scene 33, Alan insists that the door is locked. Also, in this scene, Alan becomes very uneasy. One reason for this is because he cannot go through with having sex with Jill and is humiliated, although Jill is very understanding. The other reason is that he believes that God has seen what has happened through the eyes of the horses in the stable. This is the reason why he blinded the horses – so God could not witness him committing a sin. This fear puts Alan in a distraught state that follows on to the act of him blinding the horses in the final scene. The corresponding activity I participated in was â€Å"hot-seating† Alan about that night. We took it in turns to play Alan, and each did our best to answer questions about the night in character. Development Freeze Frames After reading the play we spit into groups of five. In these groups we decided which three points of the play were the most important; or had the biggest impact on the audience and had to present them as three ‘freeze-frame’ images. The first point we chose to depict was in Scene 3; Dysart has just met Alan and is asking him various questions. We showed this by having Alan on Dysart’s ‘couch’ looking bewildered and confused. Our group also thought it would be a good idea to have three ‘onlookers’ looking in on them, wearing disgusted expressions. They represented Bennett, Thoroughgood, and the public who are mentioned in Act 1, Scene 2 – just before Hester reveals Alan’s crime. The second idea that we chose was Alan’s confusion about which parent he should listen to: his mother with her religious ideas, or his father who insisted on no television. To do this we sat Alan in the middle of the sofa, with Dora on one side reading an imaginary Bible, and Frank on the other pointing at Alan with a stern stare, frowning at Dora. The third and final image we chose was of the main event – Alan blinding the horses. For this we had three people as horses, with Alan standing in front of them looking terrified, confused, and angry. I think that the images we chose really captured the main points and essence of the play. The last one especially helped me to understand Alan’s motivation for this terrible act. The next thing we did was to rehearse the main scenes we had focused on: 1-3, 7, and 33-34. Everyone was given the chance to play Dysart in Scene 1 – him being the only character in the scene. This, as I have previously said, was a very difficult task due to the emotions conveyed and the tone required. In Scene 7, I played Dora. This I actually found tougher than playing Dysart because I found it more difficult to act her and was embarrassed when she read from the Bible. I also found it hard to speak in a ‘proud voice’ when she is reciting from a book called ‘Prince’ that Alan used to enjoy when he was younger. Monologue To capture the thoughts and feelings on the night of the ‘act’, I have written a one-hundred word monologue from Dysart’s perspective (at the end of the play): â€Å"There he was, sitting there with Jill, the stable girl. Alone together†¦but they weren’t alone†¦Equus was there; watching. Listening. Seeing. Suddenly, Alan caught sight of him. He knew that Equus had seen him fail†¦so God had seen him fail. He must stop God from seeing him. He has to prevent the horses from looking at him. God looking at him†¦he must blind them. All six. And fast. I have taken Equus from Alan. He is ‘normal’ – but at what cost, and to whom? Now Equus lives with me†¦there is, in my mouth a sharp chain. And it never comes out.† Directors Instructions Ultimately, Equus is as much about Alan as it is about Dysart. As a director, I would advise the actors to not just ‘act’ the character, but ‘be’ the character – learn and understand Dysart; how he feels, thinks, and accepts people, whatever they’ve done. I would want the audience to feel intrigued about Dysart’s complicated life and emotions, but also leave the theatre thinking about what will happen next†¦ Evaluation Interesting Points I found many things interesting in performing Equus and the themes it explored. One of the things I enjoyed in performance was the variety. For example there were humorous scenes – such as scene 3, in which Alan sings – but also more serious and dramatic, scenes as well – such as Dysart’s soliloquy in Scene 1. In performing, I also enjoyed the fact that it explored lots of different emotions: Alan’s madness and Dysart being, in a way, traumatised by his dreams of cutting up children. Equus also tackles a range of themes. The play, in itself, has an unusual theme right from the start. I can relate to the theme of religion as my mum is a Christian and my dad is an atheist. Film Adaptation In class we watched the film adaptation of Equus. There were many differences between the film and the play. I feel that the play works better and it has a more powerful effect on the audience. Also, I felt that in the film Dysart’s opening speech wasn’t as good as it could have been. The whole speech was just a close-up of his face, and the actor did not show much emotion through his features, or use it to his best ability. Performing the play myself was very different from watching the film or watching other people perform. When I performed the play, I was very surprised at how I found it easier to perform Jill and Dysart than the other characters. Jill I found easy because she is a similar age to me – so I could relate to her emotions and feelings. However, I can’t begin to understand why I found it easy to Dysart. I have nothing in common with him and he seems to be a very complicated character. It is possible that it was because he is so different that I found it easy to play him – the two extremes; someone similar to me and someone completely different. Another possible reason why I found him easier was because I think that when you start reading the play, you subconsciously choose between Alan and Dysart, and I chose Dysart. I found Alan hard to relate to. Even though we worked very hard in class to understand why Alan committed the crime, I didn’t fully understand unti l right at the very end – after the rehearsals. If I had had more time to prepare or learn Equus, I think it would have been easier because it was not until the very end of our work that I started to really understand it. Peer Evaluation One person in the group whose work really impressed me was Marc. I thought that Marc really connected with and understood Alan. He was really convincing and performed well in various activities. Even when he had to sing he did it with a lot of confidence and enthusiasm. Many of us would have been very embarrassed about having to do this – especially in front of peers. He really impressed me when we were doing the â€Å"hot-seating† activity. He had played Alan and we were asking him questions about the night of the ‘act’. What impressed me was how, when asked a question he didn’t know the answer to, he sang one of the tunes – because that’s what Alan does in the play when Dysart questions him. Overall, I really enjoyed working on, and participating in activities about Equus. I thought that the play was fascinating and exciting, but also interesting and stimulating.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Critical Thinking essayEssay Writing Service

Critical Thinking essayEssay Writing Service Critical Thinking essay Critical Thinking essayHow would you describe successful aging? Explain your answer in at least one thorough paragraph for full-credit.The successful aging involves social and physical changes in the life of individuals. Aging should bring minimal changes to the social status of individuals that means that they should not slip from the middle-class to lower-class in the course of aging, for example, but, instead, they should preserve their social standing. Their physical health should be also in a good condition and changes should match the natural process of aging.Critical ThinkingWhat do you think people can do to improve their active life expectancy? Be specific in your answer. You should include answers to this question presented in Chapter 6 text book Aging and the Life. As well as your own ideas. Explain your answer in at least one thorough paragraph for full-credit.People should practice sport and lead active lifestyle. In addition, they should maintain close social relations with their social environment and hold a proactive position. Their involvement in the social life, for example, through volunteer jobs or non-profit projects will make them social active, while active lifestyle will have a positive impact on their physical health.Critical ThinkingWhy are people retiring at older ages than in the past? Make sure your response includes explanations that are presented in Chapter 10 text book Aging and the Life. You should also include your own opinion on this issue. Explain your answer in at least one thorough paragraph for full-credit.Profound economic changes force people to retire at the older age now. Another problem is the aging of the population, low share of economically active population, and others. The progress of technology makes age difference less significant in regard to the quality and effectiveness of performance of employees of different age. The overall improvement of the quality of life has improved the position of older people and m ade them more competitive that allowed them to retire later.Critical ThinkingHow do people’s lifestyles and social support systems affect their health in old age? Explain your answer in at least one thorough paragraph for full-credit.The lifestyle and social support system determine the health of people in old age. The healthy lifestyle and extensive social support are the major conditions of a good health in old age. Hence, older people rely heavily on the lifestyle and social support system.

Monday, October 21, 2019

SAT Cost, ACT Cost, and How to Save Money

SAT Cost, ACT Cost, and How to Save Money SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you're deciding between taking the SAT and the ACT and you have a tight budget, this guide will help. We'll cover the registration costs, reporting costs, and how you can save money no matter what test you choose. All Registration Costs for the SAT and ACT (Updated for 2019-2020) Let's first look at the cost of registering for the test, and extra fees. Fee Type What is this? SAT Cost ACT Cost Registration Fee The normal fee for each administration of the test you register for $64.50 ($49.50 without essay) $67($50.50 without essay) Late Fee Charged if you register after the regular deadline but before the final late deadline $30 $30 Waitlist Fee Charged if you register after the late registration deadline and are seated on test day. $53 $53 (standby testing) Change Fee Charged if you change the test center, test date, or test type $30 $30 Question and Answers An optional service that sends you the test questions and correct answers (useful for seeing what mistakes you made) $18 $20 International Fees Charged additionally if you're taking the test outside of the United States $43 to $53 $99.50 Sources: College Board and ACT, Inc The costs between the SAT and ACT are similar for registrations for U.S. students. If your schools require the essay section, taking the SAT saves you $1 per test. Clearly both tests charge through the nose for extra fees, punishing lack of planning ahead. As we'll cover below, planning early can represent a huge cost savings to you. All Reporting Costs for the SAT and ACT Once you take the test, you'll have to send your test scores to colleges. Each college you apply to will require its own SAT or ACT score report. If you apply to 12 colleges, you'll need to send 12 score reports. This is where the policies for the SAT and ACT really differ. Fee Type What is this? SAT ACT Free Score Reports The number of free reports you get when registering for the test 4 free reports, within 9 days after test 4 free reports, by the Thursday after the test Cost per School Charged for each report you send to a school outside of your free reports. $12 per school $13.00 per test per school Rush reporting Expedited sending of score reports $31 per school $16.50 per test per school Sources: College Board and ACT, Inc. Here's an elaboration. When you take the SAT or ACT, both tests allow you to send your scores to four schools for free. You will specify these four schools when registering for the test. The SAT gives you nine days after the test to decide those four schools, while the ACT only gives you six days. Outside of the free reports, both tests will charge you for sending score reports. This can happen if you're too late in specifying your free reports, or if you exceed the four free reports per test. The SAT and the ACT differ here in a significant way. The SAT can send all your College Board test scores to a school in a single report. This includes all SAT and SAT Subject Test administrations. The ACT, however, requires $13.00 per test per school. For example, if your school uses 'Superscoring', you might want to send two or three tests to combine the highest score.This can really rack up the cost really quickly.For example, if you're applying to ten colleges and you want to send three test scores, this will mean $13 x 10 x 3 = $390, just to send your scores to schools. All this money starts adding up. It pays to be proactive and to plan ahead. Here are four strategies to save as much money as possible on the SAT and ACT. 5 Tips to Save Money on the SAT and ACT If you're on a budget, you can save a lot of money by planning ahead. Here are important ways to get money back. #1: Apply for a Fee Waiver If You Qualify Both the College Board and the ACT know that low-income families find it difficult to pay for these expensive tests. Applying for a fee waiver can save you hundreds of dollars. With a fee waiver, both tests give you free registration for tests and free score reports. How do you qualify for a fee waiver? You qualify if any of the below is true: You're enrolled in or eligible for the federal Free and Reduced Price Lunch program You're enrolled in a federal, state, or local program that aids students from low-income families (like Upward Bound) Your family receives public assistance You live in public housing, a foster home, or are homeless. Your household income level falls below USDA levels for Reduced Price lunches To get a fee waiver, you MUST go through your school counselor. You cannot apply directly through the College Board or ACT, Inc. This takes time, so make sure you do this well before you plan to register for the test. Contact your school counselor as soon as possible if you qualify for a fee waiver. #2: Register Early The late fee for registration is around half the test of the cost itself, causing a 50% increase in the test cost if you're late to register. If you have a test date set in mind, register months in advance so you don't forget. Make sure you get a confirmation by e-mail so you have no surprises come test day. Even worse than paying the late fee is missing the test date registration altogether. If you've been prepping for a specific date, this will cause you to lose momentum from your test prep and lower your score. #3: Use the FREEScore Reports Both the SAT and ACT give you free score reports to send to schools of your choosing. Make sure you specify schools before registration so you don't forget. Once the ACT test date passes, you won't be able to specify any more colleges to receive your test scores. The only reason you may want to not specify a college for the free score report is if you're not sure you're going to do better, and you want to make sure the college receives only your top scores. For all other cases, send it to colleges that are on your application list. #4: Self-Report Scores When Possible In an attempt to lower the barrier to applying even further, some of the top schools in the country now allow students to self-report their SAT and ACT scores on their applications; you'll only have to submit official SAT/ACT score reports if you're accepted. Prestigious national universities that allow self-reporting of SAT/ACT scores include Stanford, Columbia, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, Caltech, Rice, WashU in St. Louis, and Emory. Most of the top liberal arts colleges also have adopted this policy, including Williams, Amherst, Wellesley, Swarthmore, Middlebury, and Pomona. For all schools allowing self-reported SAT/ACT scores, make sure to check their policy on superscoring/score choice so that you're maximizing your standardized testing profile. Also, while this should go without saying, don't lie when self-reporting your SAT/ACT scores on your application. Don't write a score you plan to get on the February ACT or March SAT before admissions decisions go out (unless the school you're applying to accepts February ACT scores) and don't lie about doing better than you did. This will most likely result in your admission being rescinded not just because you didn't do as well as you said you did, but because you lied; institutions of higher learning generally aren't super keen to welcome academically dishonest students into their community. #5: Use Your SAT/ACT Score to Qualify for Scholarships Many states and schools have scholarships where the major qualification is your SAT/ACT score. By doing well on the test, you can make back well more than it cost to take the test. Take the time to research these scholarships and apply for them if you qualify. What's Next? Now that you know how much the SAT and ACT cost, let's read more resources to learn more about these tests. Want a super high SAT score or ACT score? I teach you how to get a perfect SAT/ACT score, based on my own experiences. What are good ACT scores or good SAT scoresfor college? Is the SAT or ACT easier? Find out which you should take. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Definition and Examples of Hypallage

Definition and Examples of Hypallage A figure of speech in which an adjective or participle (an epithet) grammatically qualifies a noun other than the person or thing it is actually describing is called hypallage. Hypallage is sometimes defined more broadly as the inversion or radical rearrangement of normal word order, an extreme type of anastrophe or hyperbaton. Examples and Observations: I lighted a thoughtful cigarette and, dismissing Archimedes for the nonce, allowed my mind to dwell once more on the ghastly jam into which I had been thrust by young Stiffys ill-advised behaviour.(P.G. Wodehouse, The Code of the Woosters, 1938)Winter kept us warm, coveringEarth in forgetful snow, feedingA little life with dried tubers.(T.S. Eliot, The Waste Land)anyone lived in a pretty how town(with up so floating many bells down)(E.E. Cummings, anyone lived in a pretty how town)There one goes, unsullied as yet, in his Pullman pride, toyingoh, boy!with a blunderbuss bourbon, being smoked by a large cigar, riding out to the wide open spaces of the faces of his waiting audience.(Dylan Thomas, A Visit to America. Quite Early One Morning, 1968)[I]n short, tis of such a nature, as my father once told my Uncle Toby, upon the close of a long dissertation upon the subject: You can scarce, said he, combine two ideas together upon it, brother Toby, without an hypallage.Whats that? cried my u ncle Toby.The cart before the horse, replied my father.(Laurence Sterne, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, 1759-1767) Like enallage, hypallage is an apparent mistake. All changes of grammatical function are not valid cases of hypallage. Puttenham, who calls hypallage the changeling, points out that the user of this figure perverts meaning by shifting the application of words: . . . as he should say for . . . come dine with me and stay not, come stay with and me and dine not.The mistake becomes a figure by expressing a meaning, albeit an unexpected one. According to Guiraud (p. 197), The device is related to the aesthetics of vagueness; by suppressing the relationship of necessity between determined and determinant, it tends to liberate the latter.(Bernard Marie Dupriez and Albert W. Halsall, A Dictionary of Literary Devices. Univ. of Toronto Press, 1991) Shakespeares Use of Hypallage His coward lips did from their color fly.(Cassius in William Shakespeares Julius Caesar, Act 1, sc. 2)The eye of man hath not heard, the ear of man hath not seen, mans hand is not able to taste, his tongue to conceive, nor his heart to report, what my dream was.(Bottom in William Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream, Act 4, sc. 1)The rhetorical figure Shakespeare uses here is hypallage, often described as the transferred epithet. His rudeness so with his authorized youth did livery falseness in a pride of truth. It is the rudeness that is authorized, not the youth; hypallage transfers the modifier (authorized) from object (rudeness) to subject (youth).(Lisa Freinkel, Reading Shakespeares Will. Columbia Univ. Press, 2002)

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Imperialism in the nineteenth century Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Imperialism in the nineteenth century - Essay Example Some countries and corporations within this system accumulate a lot of power and wealth. However some states recorded failure both politically and also economically. The European nations which had become industrialized gained dominance in the world systems. This was contrary to the fact that these nations were weak and marginalized on the few centuries before. The rapid industrialization gave these European countries a rapid growth and they also acquired great military power. Discussion Competition control in the nineteenth century There are different methods that different people used to gain success in business in the nineteenth century. Andrew Carnegie for instance employed the use of the vertical integration. This method involved the use of control on every step in the manufacturing process of the product. This method dominated the market in that century. The vertical integration method had the advantage of saving cost as a result of the integration. This allowed the business to sell products at a cheaper cost compared to those that had not been integrated. An example to this was that the horse company could be the owner of the food farm, Saddle Company and other related group of companies (Hobson 30). Other groups of people such as John D. Rockefeller employed the use of horizontal method of integration. This method involved the control of the entire market in the process. An example was to buy every steel producing company in the region. The idea behind the purchase of all the producing companies was to create a monopoly in the market (Hobson 32).

Global Financial Crisis Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Global Financial Crisis - Coursework Example The intention of this study is a financial crisis as a situation where economic markets are interrupted because of controlled credit to businesses and households and the real markets of services and goods are unfavourably affected. There are immense causes or roots available for a financial crisis irrespective of any nation. Basically, the structural factors like confusion arising between the free and the continuous deregulation of markets, a remarkable rise in the role of investment markets prevailing in both banking and non-banking economic organisations, rapid use of new global monetary mechanisms, declining transparency of the free markets, increasingly spreading out high business risks, inequality in a particular businesses origination and distribution factors among others are a few of the major causes or roots of a financial crisis. Also the general factors like regular conflicts regarding the market interests among the free and capital market contributors, deviation between in dividual bank interest rates with central bank’s policy rates, extremely minimum risk-free interest rates in major economies like the US and Japan among others, growing gap between maximum capital profits and low cost of capital, spreading out unfavourable low credit difficulty across all mechanisms also constitute a few of the crucial roots of a financial crisis that are prevailing in a particular organisation or in a particular nation. (Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, 2008). In the paper, the regulatory failures that especially the western industrialised countries faced and which led to the universal economic crisis in the year 2008-09, is examined along with the findings about the causes or roots of the arising financial crisis along with certain immediate tasks that should be followed in order to cope up with the financial crisis has also been discussed. Evolution of the Financial Crisis The international financial crisis was originated with the ‘sub- prime mortgage’ crisis and was eventually faced especially by the western industrialised countries during 2008-09. With the result of increase in rate of interests along with decline in home prices, there was a sharp jump in non-payment and foreclosures. In that particular period, there arose certain doubts regarding the liquidity of those assets and eventually became tough to fetch adequate price (Rangarajan, 2009). As a result of raising this crucial doubt, it gradually started to affect the prevailing institutions for their enormous investments made in their respective products. Thus, the entire financial system of the western industrialised countries was recognised to be in an acute crisis. There was a mutual distrust among the financial institutions in the western countries which led to freezing up of several markets including the inter-bank market. This crisis in a financial system had moved to affect the real sectors in various significant methodologies (Rangarajan, 20 09). Due to the evolution of financial crisis during 2008-2009 in the western industrialised countries, the emerging market risks, the bank lending flows, the foreign direct investment (FDI) flows and the export volumes among others had turned negative. The economic activities were contracted rapidly and particularly the western industrialised countries experienced large decline in their respective industrial production which weakened their credit growth (Berglof, 2010). Causes of the Financial Crisis in Western Industrialised Countries The financial crisis has been brought about by a combination of unsuitable monetary policies, extreme risk taking of certain financial organisations and

Friday, October 18, 2019

Managing Strategically in The Public services Essay

Managing Strategically in The Public services - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the traditional model of administration was criticized earlier for its inward focus and short-term perspective. Both of these shortcomings have altered with the advent of public management, and the public sector now shows more concern with longer-term strategy than ever before. The strategic perspective considers the organization in its external environment; it aims to specify clear goals and objectives; it attempts to move away from routine management tasks to consider, in a systematic way, longer-term considerations of the very future of the organization. The strategy addresses ‘a crucial concern; positioning the organization to face an increasingly uncertain future. The traditional model missed out on the longer-term perspective and, by being preoccupied with process, often forgot there was a larger purpose, an overall goal, for any public organization. Using strategic concepts in the public sector is one way to address these shortcomings. Applications of strategy in the private sector are obvious enough, with considerable advantages resulting from looking a the long term and the external environment, rather than always considering more immediate internal problems. Normal management processes may be adequate for ordinary operations but it is also necessary, from time to time too, reassess the fundamental reason why the organizations exist, what it is trying to do and where it is going.... Strategic planning in the public sector is a phenomenon of gthe early 1980s, significantly later than its development in the private sector. Strategic management was also adopted but again followed the private sector with a gap of some years (Hughes 136) However strategic planning and strategic management are private sector concepts and it cannot be taken for granted that the ideas will work in the public sector. There are more problems and constraints compared to the private sector . Nutt and Backoff argue that strategic managers in the public sector 'should be wary of using private sector approaches that assume clear goals, profit or economic purposes, unlimited authority to act, secret development, limited responsibility for actions, and oversight through market mechanisms that signal financial results' and in public organisations 'many of these assumptions are not valid' in Hughes p136 Bozeman and Straussman argue that there are three major features of a strategic approach: defining goals and objectives, developingan action plan that meditates between the organisatin and the environment and designing effective methods of implementation'. (1990 in Hughes 137) The Bryson model (1988) is a strategic planning model derived from the private sector, but with some variations to allow for the public sector context: initiating and agreeing on a strategic planning process identifying organisations mandates clarifying organisation mission and values assessing the external environment (opportunities and threats) Assessing the internal environment (strengths and weaknesses) Identifying the strategic issues facing an organisation Formulating strategies to manage the issues; and Establishing an effective organisation visionf or the future In Hughes 138 The next

How might hegemons encourage the proliferation of regimes among other Essay

How might hegemons encourage the proliferation of regimes among other states - Essay Example cultural hegemonic worldview is therefore successful (largely) due to the economic, military-related or politically-oriented dominance maintained by the hegemon. An enquiry has been posed, questioning how hegemons might potentially encourage propagation of regimes among other states. Regimes are established governments, cultural norms or rules that guide and control an established institution and serve as the foundation for how this institution engages and interacts with domestic and international societies. In contemporary IR studies, regimes are enacted through interventions by the public and are considered permanent and durable organisations of norms and practices, such as the World Trade Organization or other organization with ample legal support and regulations to achieve institutional objectives. Hegemons, due to their economic or military-related superiority over other states and their ability to influence worldwide cultural norms, are often opposed by other states. The degree to which a state maintains power serves as the underpinning for international relations ideologies and hegemons attempt to exert this power to construct methodo logies for constructing international order (Buzan 2004). States that are, therefore, subjugated by hegemons and compelled to assimilate to the dominant cultural values of the hegemon can experience substantial indignation, seeing hegemonic dominance as an affront to domestic state ideologies that differ from the hegemon. Hence, hegemons encourage the proliferation of regimes among other states as an effort to liberate a state from hegemonic dominance, re-exert the subjugated state’s values and beliefs, and create a multi-polar international environment with more equilibrium in the global balance of power and other state influence in exerting unique and differentiated worldviews. The world, today, is witnessing the rise of a new regime, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), a regime with an objective of establishing a

Thursday, October 17, 2019

If no law is broken, is there anything wrong with dumping If so, when Essay

If no law is broken, is there anything wrong with dumping If so, when is it wrong - Essay Example According to Case 1.1, it is evident that the materials disposed of in the other countries are illegal in the US. Once there is an identification of products and goods as hazardous, all humans require warning about the damages associated with their use. Observation points out that the manufacturers in the US have no considerations regarding the human health because they disposed of the pajamas even after the CPSC labeled them as deadly to the health of the children. The toxicity in the pajamas causes kidney cancers to the children that foster their suffering, and it is wrong to allow their use. It is wrong to cause deaths knowingly to the fellow humans. For example, the baby pacifiers led to deaths of innocent children despite their banning. The case of exporting contaminated wheat and barley initiated deaths of 400 Iraqis while hospitalizing 5,000 others. The instance followed the export of the banned organic mercury fungicide from the US. The exporters had knowledge about the contamination of the wheat and barley but went ahead to sell them to the other nations. The morals hold that it is wrong to initiate death to the fellow individuals but proposes the spread a word of caution. Regardless of no laws broken, it is cruel to cause human suffering and sudden death. Morals should be self-guiding to keep the human race in

European monetary policy and stock market Essay

European monetary policy and stock market - Essay Example The effect of global market and the integration of the financial markets shows the effect on the stock market and economy due to the changes in monetary policies have profound impacts with respect to defining the future of economics. It is evident that local stock markets would feel the effects of change in the monetary policies; however, the level of impact would be different in other regions - especially within different economic sectors that might not have same level of effect (Nuno & Claudio, 2002). Thus analysts and economists around the world believe that it is not only monetary policy and foreign policy that help to define market action but also the foreign economic policy that impacts the stock price and volatility of the stock market. From such an understanding, it must also be noted that it is the central bank that designs the monetary policy for any region in order to control the macro-economic factors and devise a wholistic strategy for the economy. It has been the volatility of the stock market that has increased the focus towards the role of central banks in helping to prevent or reduce the disruptive effects of the financial shocks on the economy (Bernanke, 1999). It is also required to be understood that role of stock prices should be defined and the monetary policy should take into account the stock prices; due to the fact that they whether are related or not to the fundamentals they can have a destabilizing effect on the economy. Many analysts represent he view that in order to ensure the long term success of the monetary policy price stability must be ensured; thus integrating role of stock market in to the monetary policy (Lawrence, et al., 2010). This integration would allow the central bank to preven t the volatility of the stock market and ensure economic stability. This has especially been true since the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

If no law is broken, is there anything wrong with dumping If so, when Essay

If no law is broken, is there anything wrong with dumping If so, when is it wrong - Essay Example According to Case 1.1, it is evident that the materials disposed of in the other countries are illegal in the US. Once there is an identification of products and goods as hazardous, all humans require warning about the damages associated with their use. Observation points out that the manufacturers in the US have no considerations regarding the human health because they disposed of the pajamas even after the CPSC labeled them as deadly to the health of the children. The toxicity in the pajamas causes kidney cancers to the children that foster their suffering, and it is wrong to allow their use. It is wrong to cause deaths knowingly to the fellow humans. For example, the baby pacifiers led to deaths of innocent children despite their banning. The case of exporting contaminated wheat and barley initiated deaths of 400 Iraqis while hospitalizing 5,000 others. The instance followed the export of the banned organic mercury fungicide from the US. The exporters had knowledge about the contamination of the wheat and barley but went ahead to sell them to the other nations. The morals hold that it is wrong to initiate death to the fellow individuals but proposes the spread a word of caution. Regardless of no laws broken, it is cruel to cause human suffering and sudden death. Morals should be self-guiding to keep the human race in

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Banking Industry in Recession Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Banking Industry in Recession - Coursework Example Since that time, concerned officials have been attempting to come up with solutions to the difficulties that the banking industry as well as the global financial system is facing. The banking industry has also been going through a process of reformation lasting over two decades. Market liberalisation, as well as the induction of latest information technologies led to a strong trade growth resulting in several mergers and acquisitions in addition to off shoring potential. Seeing the trends of previous years, reformation in financial institutions is persistent. Reducing the consequences of this recession has been easier for nations and workplaces with well-built channel of communication (Downey, p. 94, 2011). The recession started several mutual projects of social associates. During the year 2009, 93 percent of the companies within the banking industry initiated joint bargaining against an average of 84 percent within other industries. Another consideration within the banking industry is that a works council covers 97 percent of companies that have more than 50 workers. Markets will have to go through a period of reformation to consider the facts of the impact of recession. Bank liquidity is currently known as being a lot more significant within the banking concept than in the previous years, when banks gave unsatisfactory attention to the need to expand financing sources. Market participants should become responsive to the changing wave within the banking industry as well as adjust their policy and approach consequently. A need for stronger guideline is predictable as an increase in guideline is the rational outcome of a recession. Now, there is only the aim to inflict more guidelines on the banking industry although its precise form is not as confirmed yet. The most competent approach would be for the United States as well as for the European Union to synchronize their course of action; or else, â€Å"banks will concentrate operations in the jurisdiction with the least restrictive regime† (McLean, p. 36, 2010). In the initial instance, the market requires to stay away from the development of another ‘Shadow Banking system’. Moving ahead, one can look ahead to that any organization that takes influential positions within financial instruments will be positioned under the control of the state supervisory body. Any business or legal entity that operates like a bank or operates like a channel for a bank will be put through the regulatory system. Barclays resisted the financial recession by declaring solid returns; regardless of the banking industry recession, Barclays made pre-tax returns of ? 1.6 billion during the last quarter in the year 2009. This takes its earnings of the same year to ? 4,646 - 18 percent less than a year ago - because of ? 5.9 billion of bad debts (McLean, p. 36, 2010). However, while Barclay's United Kingdom retail section witnessed returns tumble, its investment as well as commercial banking divisi on goes on to do well. Moreover, with the profits from the sale of its International Shareholders division still to come, Britain's second largest bank seems to heading in the right direction for a record-breaking year.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Legislative action on S.640 in the 102nd Congress Essay Example for Free

Legislative action on S.640 in the 102nd Congress Essay The Act which was introduced vide legislative action on S 640 in the 102nd Congress is named the Product Liability Fairness Act. It is deemed to govern the product liability action that can be brought against a manufacturer or product seller, for causing harm by his product. It provides for a civil action being brought against the manufacturer or product seller for the loss or damage to a product itself or for commercial loss which will in turn be determined by the commercial or contract law which is applicable. It is designed to supersede any state law which is inconsistent regarding recovery in such actions. However this suppression is not applicable under a number of varied circumstances to include the defense of sovereign immunity asserted by any State or by the Federal Government of the United States. The Federal law except the Federal Employees Compensation Act and the Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act, the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976, the State choice-of-law rules, the right of courts to transfer the venue or apply it to a foreign nation or to dismiss a claim of any foreign nation or citizen on grounds which state that this is an inconvenient forum and also any statutory or common law cause of action including action to abate a nuisance, that authorizes a state or person to institute action for civil damages or civil penalties, clean up costs and so on. Any statutory or common law cause of action, including an action to abate a nuisance, that authorizes a State or person to institute an action for civil damages or civil penalties, clean up costs, injunctions, restitution, cost recovery, punitive damages, or any other form of relief from contamination or pollution of the environment or the threat of it. It also implies that this is a very important issue from the point of view of the hypothesis under consideration that US district courts will not have jurisdiction over any civil action under this Act based on the specified provisions of Federal law relating to district court jurisdiction. The Act also declares that in case of any provision of this Act shortening the period during which the producer of goods or his seller otherwise is exposed for liability, the claimant without cognizance of the period can bring about civil action under this Act within one year after its effective date. Title II of the Act allows any claimant to bring civil action for damages against a person for harm caused by a product applicable under the state law except to the extent such law is superseded by this title of the Act. Expeditious settlement measures include an option to include an offer of settlement for a specific dollar amount by the plaintiff or the defendant in a responsive pleading or award of attorney fees and costs to the party which does not accept the terms of settlement of the offer. It also caters for alternative dispute resolution provisions and mechanisms which are recognized by state laws. In Title III, a person is permitted to seek recovery for harm which has been caused by a product through civil action against the manufacturer or seller under applicable or Federal law to the extent that such law is superseded by the Act. It establishes a standard for liability by a product seller for the causes of the harm which can fall under categories of negligence or express warranty. The conduct of the seller can be examined with respect to a variety of factors such as construction, inspection or condition of the product and for not passing on the warning or instructions from the manufacturers only in case these have not been forwarded when the item was in his possession or has not made reasonable efforts to provide the users with the warning and instructions. The seller is treated as a manufacturer and is liable for damage caused in case the manufacturer is not effective to service of process in any State in which the action could have been brought which is relevant in the case of the hypothesis wherein the Federal laws are said to be applicable in states under the Act. Punitive damages are however proscribed against a manufacturer or seller of a drug or medical device where the drug or the device has received the pre market approval of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA); and the drug has been accepted as safe under conditions approved by the FDA. Similar protection is provided to manufacturer of aircraft which have been subject to pre-market certification by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The factors to be considered in determining the amount of punitive damages have also been covered. Civil action is barred unless the case is filed within two years after the claimant is said to have discovered the harm and its cause and for a capital good which is not a toxic harm, the period is twenty five years after the delivery of product. The Act provides for compensation to individuals when their rights are infringed as there has to be provision for trans state movement of goods. As invariably there is transmigration of goods between states, there is a need for application of a federal law of such nature. The Bill was introduced by Sen. Robert W Kasten. Jr, a Republican on 13 March 1991 and had 39 co sponsors, which was numerically adequate to see the bill through in case a majority of the senators supported it. The proceeding of the Bill was as given below:-(a) The Bill was introduced on 13 March 1991 and then read and referred to the Committee on Commerce. (b) The Subcommittee on Consumer as well as the Committee on Commerce held hearings and it was reported on 14 November 1991 without amendment. (c) It was referred to the Committee on Judiciary by unanimous consent in June 1992. (d). After consideration by the Judicial Committee it was placed for consideration in Senate by Unanimous Consent on 8 September 1992. (e) Cloture motion to proceed was presented and withdrawn on 8 September 1992. (f) Cloture to proceed was not invoked in Senate by Yea-Nay votes on 10 September 1992 and again not invoked on reconsideration by Yea – Nay vote of 58 – 38. (g) There after this was not pursued further. However the Act in a modified form and through a separate motion has came into force in 1995. The issue before us is however that of liberals being federal focused vis a vis the conservatives. The bill was designed to regulate inter state commerce and provide a uniform product liability law as per the title. It was extensively for the benefit of the individual and the consumer and for all purposes should have been considered by the Senate and approved. However it appears that the underlying clauses in the Bill as given below which restricted the powers of the state could have contributed to its rejection for cloture:- (a) It declared that U. S. district courts did not have jurisdiction over any civil action under this Act, based on specified provisions of Federal law relating to district court jurisdiction. (b) Superseded any inconsistent State law regarding recovery in such actions. A quantitative analysis of the votes has been carried out in the Tables 4 to 6 given below. An examination of Table 4 will reveal that the overwhelming votes of Republicans, 40 have not been in favor of cloture of the legislation with only three for it. The liberal opinion has been with 18 not in favor of the cloture and 35 for it. This clearly indicates that the Republicans were not in favor of restricting the powers of the states even when these were in favor of the individual and also affected the regulation of commerce. This would have avoided a number of vexed issues arising out of inter state commerce which could have been smoothened. But the lack of cloture prevented from such a logical course taking place. The Republican bias towards state independence once again proved to be the stumbling block. An evaluation of the percentages polled will amplify this aspect further for which Table 5 may be examined. The Republicans have voted with an overwhelming 93. 1 percent against the cloture while 66. 1 percent of Democrats were in favor of the cloture. Thereby establishing that a majority of liberals do vote in favor of such motions which provide for federal control on issues which impinge on state – federal relationship. In case the voting is examined quantitatively in terms of percentage of voting in terms of Ayes and Nays with party affiliation, it would emerge that 68. 9 percent Republicans and 31. 1 percent Democrats had voted against the cloture and only 7. 9 percent Republicans and 62. 1 percent Democrats were for cloture. Thus the Democrats are deemed to be overwhelmingly in favor of the cloture.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Personification Of Food In Literature

The Personification Of Food In Literature Since food is created from recipes that have been passed down from one generation to the next, the art of cooking was taught by mothers to daughters, they reawaken the past by reminiscence. It is not a surprise that we find frequent references to the epitome of human characteristics in novels of magic realism, such as Kitchen and Like Water for Chocolate. Food in literature can be used as symbolism for many aspects of things, but its most likely that it represents the ideal voice of a character or the personality of themselves. This is because certain aspects of a character reveal themselves in the personal choices of consuming food and the effects afterwards on the characters. Since eating consists of numeral pre-activities to be performed; the preservation, preparation, presentation, and performance of food as well as the food product itself is what leads characters to behave ambiguously. More abstractly, in addition to giving insights within a character, both Yoshimoto and Esquive l use food to symbolize significant relationships amongst the characters and the association in fact or thought. Therefore, by analyzing the human attributes given to food, we can gain insights into numerous ideas that the writers are exemplifying. This paper will compare the ways in which food is used for the above purposes in both novels. Early in Kitchen we are shown a brief introduction to the main character Mikage and her adoration for the kitchen. Mikage is portrayed as a caring and generous character through her food preparation activities and presentation. While preparing food for others, she upholds a feeling of contentment and happiness because the warmth of food and the company of her loved ones. We see that through the death of Mikages grandmother whose death has left a heavy impact on her. She describes to have slept in the kitchen after her grandmothers death, which indicates her association with warmth and food was what she needed to comfort her worried soul: Steeped in a sadness so great I could barely cry, shuffling softly in gentle drowsiness, I pulled my futon into the deathly silent gleaming kitchen. Wrapped in a blanket, like Linus, I slept. The hum of the refrigerator kept me from thinking of my loneliness. There, the long night came on in perfect peace, and morning came. Furthermore, being a culinary teachers assistant, Mikage has a particularly refined taste for food and always seems able to make eating an event that upholds optimism and hope under any circumstances. She makes it a social experience for Yuichi, an acquaintance of her grandmothers funeral whos family Mikage goes to live with after her grandmothers death. He had been mournful after his own mothers death and Mikage had prepared a magnificent feast in order to cheer him up. And its true that for the whole summer I went about it with a crazed enthusiasm: cooking, cooking, and cooking. I poured all my earnings from my part-time job into it, and if something came out wrong Id do it over till I got it right. Angry, fretful or cheery, I cooked through it all. (56) Mikage is also shown to reveal her inner emotions through the use of preservation and presentation of food to express her sincerity and concern. As a young woman who had been taught by her grandmother to cook, she does not limit herself to only traditional recipes. She prepares food with vast quantities of materials and tries to expand on her options of cooking a good meal. She questions her love for the kitchen, Perhaps to me a kitchen represents some distant longing engraved on my soul. As I stood there, I seemed to be making a new start; something was coming back (56). The intensity of culinary had given her opportunities to express her inner feelings and to maintain a steady relationship with the people in her life. Mikage prefers finely detailed meals which consist of dishes with lots of color and shapes, reflecting her personality within the final product. Her preservation of food reflects her thoughts and concerns for the people in her life, such as her friendship with Yuichi. She identifies his loneliness and sets out to be a better friend by Finding myself standing alone in the standing alone in the street, close to midnight, belly pleasantly full, a hot takeout container of katsudon in my hands, completely bewildered as to how to proceed. (93) From this we can perceive the importance of friendship from Mikages generosity of supplying food for a friend. On contrary, Yuichi is grateful of having Mikage in his life and the food would taste so good because he feels loved and happy amongst his isolation. It is exactly the notion that distinguishes Mikage from other characters in Kitchen. Though Mikage also has a humble taste for food that shes accustomed to, The food was so delicious, and I realized how very, very hungry I was. It occurred to me I always enjoyed what I ate when I was with him. How wonderful it is, I thought (142). In contrast to other characters in the book, Mikage does not care for her social environment. This is evident in which she describes her eating experiences with Yuichi, her very close friend. This shows that Yuichi has bonded with a person who cares very much about him through her expressive eating behavior. The affectionate attitude to food is related to their genuine friendship, and more specifically, conveying their emotions. In a cafà ©, sensible Mikage drank tea with Yuichi, confessing that it was their first time sitting down in such a setting, Yuichi bluntly blurts out Mikages feelings about her grandmothers death versus his feelings towards his mothers death. The literal description of Mikages profoundly response was Yuichi, the fact that youre relaxed enough with me now to tell me how youre really feeling is a source of comfort to me. It makes me very happy. So happy I feel like shouting it from the rooftops (76). It can be interpreted metaphorically with tea being a symbol for relaxation but conveys acknowledgement between people. Contrariwise, Mikages goal in a genuine friendship is shown in her attitude towards her association with food. When she began to sob audibly, everyone in the place turned to stare at her. Chikas shoulders jerked spasmodically, racked with grief. Tear s fell into her soup (86). Again, the fundamental presentation of food is associated with emotions and memoirs. Mikage, who witnesses his touching scenario can identify that the human heart is unquestionably precious and genuine. The human nature of Mikage shows itself in the reply: the experiences of the last months had changed me. In the mirror I could see only a trace of the spoiled princess I had been, the one who took Eriko for granted. I was so far from that now (87). The death of a friend led her to realization that it was too late to say goodbye. Experiencing a similar fate to Mikage, Tita shows her affections through her preparation and presentation of food. However, she is denied of love from her mother and she is used as a tool to compensate the happiness of the rest of family members while not being able to experience her own. While all the food she prepares does not center on her, most of it was having to do with her entity. So it seemed that Tita was destined from the very beginning to learn the traits of cooking since birth, allowing her emotional connection to the food she cooked later in her life as a form of realism. The establishment of traditional recipes being handed down from one generation to the next is relevant to Tita and her emotions. Since her mother has denied her marriage to Pedro, her lover; he has brought her roses which she used for their family dinner. A sense of alchemical process, this is ominously displayed at the dinner: with that meal it seemed they had discovered a new system of communication , in which Tita was the transmitter, Pedro the receiver and poor Gertrudis the medium, the conducting body through which the singular sexual message was passed (52). Her resilient behavior concerning her preparation of food and drinks shows her frustration and insatiable character; on her knees, was bent over the grinding stone, moving in slow regular rhythm, grinding the almonds and sesame seeds (67). Tita finds her sexual satisfaction in passionately committing adultery with Pedro and this is symbolized by the eating of rose petal quail. Without any mention of romantic love, the presentation of food reflects the intensifying emotions during the preparation. This example adds to Titas profile to have affectionate characteristics. The way that food can be used as a literary effect is evidence in both novels Kitchen and Like Water for Chocolate, Yoshimoto and Esquivel seem to share a similar view on the literary use of food symbolism. The reason that something as generalized as food comes to represent the characters and their need to transform the food with their own emotions. Instead of describing directly what kind of character one is or stating how the plot will develop, both authors use the personification of food to convey the ideas. It is this sort of literary technique that makes a novel enduring.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Don Bosco :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John was born in 1815 in Recchi, Italy. When John was two, his father died prematurely. As a boy, John lived on a farm with his family doing the only thing they knew how, farming. Poverty and a lack of formal education in the home did not stop the growth of John Bosco as a person. His mother was for real, realizing the importance of God in life ( boscocamp/about.html).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Getting a formal education was a constant struggle for John. The family finances being what they were, his brothers felt that he was wasting time, energy, and money and that it would be better for all if he stopped going to school and worked on the farm, earning money ( boscocamp/about.html).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At age nine John had a dream in which he saw himself changing children from beasts into lambs. He decided immediately to become a priest and devote his life to children, and began at once. He haunted every circus and fair; learned to walk tight-ropes, do acrobatics, and become a conjurer at the cost of an often broken nose ( He must have understood physical fitness for as a youngster he was known and respected as the town's acrobat and juggler. Many would assemble to witness his tricks. He was then able to provide fascinating entertainment that would end with the rosary and a verbatim repetition of the previous Sunday's sermon. What was amazing is the fact that before any performance he would ask his audience to join him in prayer. God was his friend This friendship with God became powerful and slowly John prepared for the priesthood ( boscocamp/about.html).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1841 at the age of 26, John was ordained priest. He was now ready to make his contribution toward the poor and homeless (   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While in Turin, the rejects of society appealed to him. His awareness of what could be in them motivated him to commit his work and style of living to the building of people. His life is unbelievable as his burning love brought him to hospitals and prisons, to the troubled and the dying. His ministry forced him to beg for jobs for the boys he was helping, visited private homes, taught night classes, heard confessions, and celebrated the Eucharist. His life was deeply questioned by his confreres. He was deeply disturbing the establishment and efforts were made by the authorities to have him committed to a mental asylum.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Distinctively Visual Essay

Composers create distinctively visual images to draw aspects that they are presenting in their texts. This helps the reader to understand and visualise the characters responses to significant aspects of life. The Author Henry Lawson uses these distinctive images in his short stories ‘The Drovers Wife’ and ‘The Loaded Dog’ to help portray the harsh realities of living in the Australian bush. These realities create significant experiences for the individuals in his stories as they are faced with hardships, mateship and love. Similarly, John Misto’s play ’The Shoe-Horn Sonta’ and Ramon Tongs ‘African Beggar’ use distinctively visual language to let the responder engage with the characters and their world. ‘The Loaded Dog’ explores the significant experience of mateship through the characters; Dave Regan, Jim Bently, Andy Page and their young retriever Tommy who is described with great visual imagery as an ‘overgrown pup, a big, foolish, four-footed mate, who was always slobbering round them and lashing their legs with his heavy tail that swung round like a stock-whip’. The story starts off slow introducing the gold mines that the story takes place in, using elaborate instructions to explain the process of mining and cartridge construction through verbs including ‘sewed’, ‘bound’ and ‘pasted’ which gives the reader a distinctively visual image of how life was for the gold miners. The author uses Australian jargon and vernacular language such as ’Don’t foller us!’ and ’no mucking around’ throughout the story to give the reader a more visual image of how the men of the area communicate. The story’s pace exponentially increases along with it’s humour as the storyline develops and as each complication arises. Dialogue and punctuation, such as ‘dashes’, carry us along with the action painting a picture in the readers mind of the events taking place. Dave who is seen as the ‘ideas man’ decides to create a cartridge to blow the local fish out of the water to eat and while he is at away at working on the cartridge, Tommy grabs the cartridge in his play, setting it alight in the fire, which establishes the main issue in the story. Lawson uses a humorous tone throughout this scene to give the reader a more visual image of what is being played out ‘close behind him, was the retriever with the cartridge in his mouth – wedged into his broadest and silliest grin’. Another short story composed by Lawson similar to ’The Loaded Dog’ entitled ‘The Drovers Wife’ creates powerful images through the use of distinctively visual language that enables the reader to feel the hardships of the characters. Lawson begins the story with the distinctively visual image of the harsh landscape ‘The bush consists of stunted, rotting native apple trees. No undergrowth, Nothing to relieve the eye save the darker green of a few she oaks which are sighing above the narrow waterless creek’. This descriptive language allows the responder to visualise the harsh outback scenery. The drovers wife is seen as a protective mother and a hardened battler against the disasters of the Australian bush. The use of alliteration ‘no undergrowth, nothing to relieve the eye†¦ nineteen miles to the nearest civilisation’ accentuates how isolated the Wife is from society. Lawson uses powerful verbs when creating a distinctively visual image in the responders mind in ‘The Drover’s Wife’. When the drover’s wife goes to hit the snake, ‘snatches’ is used to create images of immediacy and courage within the responder’s mind, whilst ‘darts’ is used to create an image of threat, the woman has no hesitation in hitting the snake and she darts to protect her children. Similar to John Lawson’s stories, John Misto’s Australian play ‘The Shoe-Horn Sonta’ uses an array of distinctively visual techniques to highlight the significant aspects of the story. Through dramatic film and editing techniques, and powerful dialogue, Misto explores the story of hundreds and thousands of women imprisoned by the Japanese in South-East Asia. The composer uses juxtaposition as the dialogue consists of both private and public conversations to create an image in the responders mind of the powerful links between the public and private voices between the two main characters, Sheila and Bridie. The opening scene shows Bridie re-enacting the kowtow, a tribute to the emperor of Japan ‘Bridie stands in a spotlight. She bows stiffly from the waist, and remains in this position.’ These stage directions allow the reader to visualise how Misto wants it to be performed, letting the reader share their experiences, and feel engaged with Bridie . Ramon Tong’s ‘African Beggar’ utilises distinctively visual language techniques to create and perceive a relationship with the persona and his  world and therefore understand the challenges he faces. The metaphor ‘a heap of verminous rags and matted hair’ is used to establish an image of a ‘thing’ rather than a human as ‘verminous’ is usually associated with flies and ‘matted hair’ creates images of an unhygienic lifestyles in the responders mind. The tone of the story suddenly changes in the third stanza and enables the reader to re-establish the relationship and perception that was previously created with the beggar. ‘lost in the trackless jungle of his pain’ is an example of symbolism used the show that the beggar feels pain in his whole body. This stanza creates an image of someone struggling for life and gives reason for the reader to feel sympathetic towards the beggar, this is highlighted in the line ‘lying all alone’. In conclusion, these texts all use powerful distinctively visual techniques to the let the reader understand and visualise the personas and their worlds, and the hardships that they face.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Childcare and Education Unit 4

child Unit 4 – Assignment| Michelle Pieh| | Children & Play| | Rebecca Myring| 11/16/2009| | Introduction Play is the main way in which children learn and therefore play affects all aspects of a child’s development. Valuing children’s play: Props should be encouraged. Allow the use of their own experience. Own interests. Playing on their own should be encouraged. Work in a way that suits them. Adult encouragement to be engagement. Play as a way of communication. Recreate familiar themes. Transport resources to where they wish. Learn best when they are enjoying themselves. Allow for time and space. Facts about play: Through play children learn about their world. Play is considered to be a primary need of children. The stages of play change as a child grows older. The characteristics of play change as different stages of development are reached. All children go through the stages of play as they grow develop. Children develop at different rates therefore some children may take longer to go through a particular stage. D1/D7) Setting 1 – Zoo adventure play area Setting 2 – Park Setting 3 – Beach Setting 1 – A zoo adventure play area is an enclosed area containing play equipment. D7) It has wheel chair, pushchair/pram access. It has a variety of facilities ranging from a cafe with outdoor seating area for adults to sit and watch their children play to toilet facilities for all. In the play area there is specialised staff for children that have disabilities so they can help them join in with any games that are going on. The play area where the children can play has a safe outside area where children can play without parents worrying about the children getting hurt. The area is animal themed and the toys outside are animal shaped and patterned such as a swing in the shape of a lions mane and is yellow and orange to show it is a lions mane. A slide is in the shape of a zebra’s tongue the top of the steps is the head and the handles are the mouth opened wide and the slide is the tongue. Setting 2 – A park is an enclosed area where children can play without parents having to worry about their child going out of the park onto a street near a main road. There may be different parts in the park that are specially designed for each age range. For example: Babies/small children there may be a soft play area, bucket swings that a child can be harnessed into, small low sit on toys and a small slide. Aged 6 -10 children there may be a bigger slide, seesaw, roundabout, swings, small trampolines, climbing frames and tyre swings. Teenagers there may be basketball courts, tennis courts, football nets, running track, climbing wall/ abseiling wall, golf course, wire swings, zip wire, a weather pitch for all sports and a big trampoline that has a net around it to keep them safe whilst jumping. Setting 3 – The beach is a large area containing sand and water. The children like making sand castles. They also like feeling the different textures e. g. Water and sand mixed together. The children also have a chance to have a donkey ride. D7) There are also ramps for access for wheel chairs, push chairs/ prams. On the beach there needs to be parental supervision. D2) Age range for zoo – between 18-24 months to 16years Stage of play for the zoo is spectator aged between 18 months – 24months to 4 years and co – operative play for aged 4+ children. Age range for park – 2 years to 16 years Stage of play for the park is spectator 24 months to 4 years and co –operative for aged 4+ children. Age range for beach – 2 years to 16years Stage of play is spectator 24 months to 4 years and co –operative for aged 4+ children. Co – operative play is where children play together with shared goals. Play can be quite complicated and children are supportive. D3) The type of play that goes on is: Zoo – physical play Park – pretend play Beach – discovery play Zoo – At the zoo children would be involved in physical play. They would do this by finding different equipment to play on. Using all the different equipment they would exercising which would form their muscles, stamina, balance and Co-ordination. (Tassoni P, Hucker K, 2005, Pg 163) Park – At the park they would find different equipment to play on. They would pretend to act out things and pretend that they are other people. This will enable children to use their imagination and develop their own imaginative ideas. (Walker M, Beaver, M Brewster, J Neaum, S and Tallack, J 2008 Page 195) Beach – They would discover sand and water. They would also discover mixing sand and water. They may find shells, crabs, star fish and jelly fish. D4) Zoo is physical play – An example of a zoo play area would be playing on the monkey bars which would be developing their gross motor skills. This will develop whole body and limb movements, co-ordination and balance. Walker M, Beaver, M Brewster, J Neaum, S and Tallack, J 2008 page 194) Park is pretend play – An example of pretend play at a local park would be a child playing on a climbing frame that has a wheel on it and they are pretending it is a ship/boat, aeroplane/helicopter. Beach is discovery play – An example of a beach would be discovering different shells, sea life, boats, and textures of sand by building sand castles. Mixing sand and water together to make sand pies. Developing knowledge and understanding of the world. D5) Beach discovery play and Maria Montessori theory. The main points of Maria Montessori’s theory are: Children pass through particular development stages. This is the essential for the child to be able to learn. * Montessori developed a structured education programmed based on these stages, including a number of specially devised pieces of equipment that encourage children to develop certain skills. * Limited emphasis is placed on counting, reading and writing these will follow once the basic social and emotional development has taken place. * A Childs natural will to learn should be encouraged to foster a lifelong motivation for learning. * Children should be encouraged to work alone. Montessori felt the best learning occurred when children were focused, silent and completely absorbed in a task. * Montessori did not believe in free play and did not encourage children to develop their own ideas –play needed to have a learning focus. (Garhart M C, 2000, Pg 21-37) Maria Montessori believed that children learn by doing practical activities and by playing outdoors. D6) Setting 1 – zoo adventure play area * In the adventure play area with children aged 18-24 months to 16 years, an obstacle course could be arranged to include either a route over a high climbing frame or a lower route through it. The risks would be bumping into others, slipping and falling. I have chosen this activity as it will allow children to understand risks e. g. heights, bumping of the body parts. The challenge would be learning their limitations. Setting 2 – park In the park with children aged 2 years to 16 years, a park play area could be set up in the shape of a trim trail to include a variety of apparatus that provide challenges. The risks would be bumping into others, slipping and falling. The risks that the children will learn to understand are bumping into other children, slipping on play equipment and falling off of play equipment. The challenge that they might have to overcome is to see how high they can swing on a swing whilst feeling comfortable. Setting 3 – beach On the beach with children aged 2 years to 16 years, provide activities e. g. digging and making sand castles which challenges them to be sensible when handling the sand. The risk would be getting sand in their/other people’s eyes, risk of drowning in the sea, risk of being bitten by crabs and getting stung by jelly fish. The risks could be getting sand in their eyes, getting bitten by animals and drowning in the water. The challenge they will have to vercome is learning about what can happen if they touch certain animals. C1/D7) Setting 1 – zoo adventure playground Challenge and risk activity chosen in (D6) was obstacle course. Resources that would be used: * Climbing frame with monkey bars, lower and higher side. * Tunnels. * Under and over bars. Health and safety equipment: * Safe area. * Helmet. * Knee pads and elbow pads. * Safety mats, non slip floor. * Supervision. * Appropriate footwear, clothing. These resources have been chosen because: For children’s own welfare and safety. They allow children to achieve the learning outcomes that have been planned for. They meet individual children’s needs- D7. Provides different levels of play for age range and ability. Setting 2 – park Challenge and risk activity chosen in (D6) was trim trail. Resources that would be used: * Apparatus e. g. swings, balance walking logs, climbing nets, tyres, swinging logs. Health and safety equipment: * Safe area. * Knee pads, elbow pads. * Helmet. * Supervision. * Appropriate footwear and clothes These resources have been chosen because: For children’s own welfare and safety. They are appropriate to age range and stage of development of the children. They meet individual children’s needs – D7. Setting 3 – Beach Challenge and risk chosen in (D6) was digging sandcastles. Resources that would be used: * Spade. * Bucket. Health and safety: * Clean area. * Safe area. * Goggles. * Supervision from parent’s/carers. These resources have been chosen because: Encourages exploration. Encourages open minded play. They meet individual needs – D7. B1) Giving children activities that challenge them and make them understand risks by: Build’s up resilience as they become more aware of challenges that they will experience in the future and it will help them to become more comfortable, confident when faced with the kind of challenge. Bruce D. Perry M. D. Ph. D Professor of Child Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences). Develops an awareness of potential hazards. Younger children's awareness of hazards is further raised through staff's gentle reminders, for example, prior to activities, such as cooking. Children benefit from individual towels and soap dispensers, which reduce the risk of cross? infection. To, ensure that the risk of potential hazards is minimised. Children also develop confidence and self-esteem because staffs build positive, trusting relationships with them. (Ofsted Creche report) Prevents boredom. As young children don't understand time the way grown-ups do but boredom is not always a bad thing, it can also get children thinking creatively and can pay to take a more active role in preventing boredom. (Sanders, M. R. ; Christenson, A. P. (1985). Pg’s 13, 101-117). Builds confidence. As they do the activities again again they will have confidence in doing the activity as they will know how to do it. Potential learning opportunity such as they learn that you have to follow instructions to get to the end product. Provides mental stimulation. E. g. helps children to function for longer. Maria Montessori developed a method for young children, which was rooted in the senses and involves manipulating everyday objects and following highly structured activities that engage children but rarely allow them to fail. Develops essential life skills. E. g. money, telling the time, addition/subtraction and measurements etc. Activities that provide children with a challenge and risks: Climbing frame – know their own limitations but not put off but to overcome it and be determine. Hopefully next time they won’t climb as high and only go half way so they learn from previous times. B2) Adult led sessions are often used to introduce children to exploration and investigation through play. This helps them to develop their own play agenda and ideas. Children appreciate adults who help to keep their play flowing as long as they don’t take over. How they would do this? Exploration: Involve them in activities. E. g. Building Sandcastles, Finding sea shells and stones. Encourage them to learn about new things. For example colours, numbers and letters. Plan activities that relate to children’s experiences. E. g. Places were on holiday. Encourage activities that encourage exploration. E. g. Making ice or jelly. Offer a variety of activities. E. g. collage making, beading or outdoor play. How they would do this for investigation: Provide equipment. E. g. Bucket and spade or binoculars and magnifying glass. Provide plenty of time. To allow children to finish the activity so they get the whole potential. Present activities that allow solving problems e. g. floating and sinking. Allow the children to work together. So they can work as a team member and listen to other children’s ideas and try to solve things together. Introduce new subjects and topics. To help develop further knowledge. A1) Name of theorist wrote about in D5 was Maria Montessori. Maria’s main ideas and theories are: Children pass through particular developmental stages. This is essential for the child to be able to learn. Montessori developed a structured education programme based on these stages including a number of specially developed pieces of equipment that encourage children to develop certain skills. Limited emphasis is placed on counting reading and writing. Children should be encouraged to work alone. To encourage confidence in what they think. Montessori did not believe in free play and did not encourage children to develop their own ideas. Influences on today’s practice: There are many Montessori schools throughout Europe usually privately run. The method promotes a carefully planned environment that neither allows children total freedom nor imposes activities on them. Some nurseries follow the plan completely and purchase Montessori equipment and use her theories with a flexible programme. (Garhart M C, (2000) Page 21-37) What difference (if any) might there be if the adult was aware of this theory? If the adult was aware of the theory the adult would be aware of discovery play and be able to plan activities in more depth. They will also be aware of the benefits of discovery play. How do you think the theory will affect an adults understanding of children’s play? They might think that something that the child is playing is not discovery. So this might not give the children as many opportunities. A*) The role of the adult in providing activities and supporting children’s play is to provide relevant resources to enable children to do specific activities e. g. ard making needs – card, glue, sticking things/materials. An adult also sets out a play area for the children to play in. Adults make suggestions to widen the children’s knowledge and to support them when playing. Adults should also ask the children questions to develop their understanding. The adult considers the children’s needs e. g. provide activities for different levels of needs â€⠀œ (D7). I had no idea that there was so much to play. I had no idea that there was a lot of planning towards play and how play was actually structured rather than just giving a child a toy and telling them to play. I am now more confident in advising children when they are playing. I am now in a better position as I would be able to extend opportunities by asking the child questions. I have learned all the different stages and types of play. The types of play are:| The stages of play are| Creative play. | Solitary aged 0-2 years. | Pretend play. | Spectator aged 2-2 and a half years. | Physical play. | Parallel aged 2 and a half – 3 years. | Manipulation play. | Associative – 3 – 4 years. | Discovery play. | Co – operative aged 4+ years. | Bibliography websites used www. teachingexpertise. com http://nationalstrategies. standards. dcsf. gov. uk www. ofsted. gov. uk Www. raisingchildren. net. au Bibliography books used Tassoni P, Hucker K (2005) Planning Play and the Early Years 2nd Edition. Oxford – Heinemann (Page 163) Walker, M Beaver, M Brewster, J Neaum, S and Tallack, J (2008) Child care and Education CACHE Level 2 Cheltenham; Nelson Thornes LTD (Page 195) Garhart M C, (2000) Theories of childhood—an introduction to Dewey, Montessori, Erickson, Piaget and Vygestsky. Redleaf Press – Yorkton (Page 21-37) Sanders, M. R. ; Christenson, A. P. (1985). A comparison of the effects of child management and planned activities training across five parenting environments. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Pages 13, 101-117. Professional People Bruce D. Perry, M. D. , Ph. D. , is the Thomas S. Trammell Research Professor of Child Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences, Baylor College of Medicine; and Chief of Psychiatry, Texas Children's Hospital, Houston, Texas.