Friday, May 31, 2019
Foucault And Truffaut: Power And Social Control In French Society :: essays research papers
Foucault and Truffaut Power and Social Control in French SocietyBoth Michel Foucault and Truffauts depiction of a disciplinary society are nearly identical. But Truffauts interpretation sees more room for freedomwithin the disciplinary society. The difference stems from Foucaults beliefthat the social control in disciplinary pervades all in all elements of life and thereis no escape from this type of control. Foucaults work deals mostly with" personnel" and his conception of it. Like Nietzsche, Foucault sees power not as a stubborn quantity of physical force, but instead as a stream of energy flowingthrough all aspects of society, its power harnesses itself in regulating the demeanor of individuals, the systems of knowledge, a societies institutions, andevery interaction between people.Foucault in Discipline and Punish, applies this notion of power intracing the climb on of the prison system in France and the rise of other coerciveinstitutions such as monasteries, the army , mental asylums, and othertechnologies. In his work Foucault exposes how seemingly benign or evenreformist institutions such as the modern prison system (versus the stocks, andscaffolds) are technologies that are typical of the modern, painless, friendly,and impersonal coercive tools of the modern world. In fact the success of thesetechnologies stems from their ability to appear unobtrusive and humane. Theseprisons Foucault goes on to explain equal many institutions in post 1700thcentury society isolate those that society deems abnormal. This isolation seeksto attack the souls of people in recount to dominate them similar to how thetorture and brutality of pre 1700th century society sought to dominate thephysical bodies of prisoners. In Foucaults interpretation freedom from thepervasive influence of "power" is impossible. Because his conception of "power"exists not just in individual institutions of society like prisons but insteadexists in the structure of societ y and more importantly in peoples thoughtsystems, escape from social control is impossible. Foucault in the last chaptertalks about how even the reforms in the system have been co-opted to further thegoals of the state. instead of a lessening of social control Foucault sees thatthe technologies change from the wheels and gallows of the 17th century to thedisciplinary society of the 19th century to the emerging carceral metropolis of thefuture. In this carceral city the dispersion of power will be complete. Thetechnologies of control will emanate from all parts of society, "walls, space,institution, rules, and discourse."Truffauts interpretation of society and its future is much more upbeat.Although like Foucault he sees the technologies of the disciplinary society asinsidious social control mechanisms.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Time Management Essay -- Business Management Studies
Time ManagementThe largest percentage of my time went into sleeping which isnt asurprise, however tracking how I used my time made it obvious that furthertime management was needed to achieve my maximum potential. Suchimprovements would be to the undesirable categories Structured andUn-structured leisure, a decrease by half the amount of hours used bythese categories would assist my private studies and improve myoverall academic performance. This should incline to a third of my timeinto travelling, eating, class contact, structured and un-structuredleisure. And another third into private study and finally the lastthird into sleeping. Trying this new position of time keepingprovided to be a positive outcome in my day to day activities as itprovided a strong backbone to my time management.In general, the hours used by the other categories are acceptable tomaintain some balance and relaxation for the mind and body to sustainmotivation and some mixer life.Overall reflection on persona l strengths and weaknesses re timemanagement based on evidence in my diary.The f...
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Search for Identity in Judith Guests Ordinary People :: Judith Guest Ordinary People Essays
Search for Identity in Ordinary People   When we are young, we live feeling by the day. In our preteen and teenage years, the process of self discovery begins. For some nation, this could take years. For others, it could happen within a week. No matter how people discover themselves, who they really are, and what they stand behind, everybody goes through it. Especially the characters in the book Ordinary People by Judith Guest. As they struggle through death, guilt, and a want of understanding Calvin, Beth and Conrad eventually discover their true identities.       While dealing with their first major struggle death, Calvin, Conrads father, Beth, Conrads mother, and Conrad begin their road to self discovery. They all deal with Conrads self-annihilation attempt in unlike ways. Calvin is the most concerned person about Conrad.   Hows going it going? School. Swimming. Everything okay? Yeah, fine. Same as yesterday. What does that mean? A empty -headed smile. It means you ask me that every day. Sorry. He smiles, too. I like things neat. (11)   Calvin is very concerned about Conrads well-being after his suicide attempt. Every move or motion Conrad makes, Calvin is there to question it or question Conrads health. Conrad on the other hand, is focusing on get from the incident. He is mainly focused on recovering from the mental damage he has caused himself and trying to begin his new life. But he cannot relax, because today is a Target Date. Tuesday, September 30. One month, to the day, that he has been home. And what are you doing Jarrett? Asking weird questions like From what? Toward what? Questions without answers. Undermining. A serious affliction (4).   After coming out of the hospital, Conrad is forced to relearn how to deal with every day situations. larn how to establish routines and manage his own life is Conrads first step on his way to recovery and self-discovery. Beth deals with Conrads suici de attempt in a very different way, she is very enclosed and in a constant state of denial. This is just the first of many actions until she reveals her true colors. Will you talk to him this morning? About the clothes. Hes got a closet full of decent things and he goes off every day looking like a bum, Cal (7).
Michelangelo Essay -- essays research papers
During the dates 1475-1564 there weremany famous panthers working all around the world. One ofwhich was Michelangelo. He painted and sculpted manyfamous items that are placid talked about today. Michelangeloled a very buisy life, as of which you will be reading abouttoday. Michelangelo was born in 1475 in a small hamlet ofCaprese near Arezzo At the age of 13 michelangelosfather Ludovico Buonarroti placed michelangelo in theworkshop of the painter Domenico Ghirlandaio throughconnections with the ruling Medici family. About two dayslater michelangelo studied at the sculpture school in theMedici gardens. Shortly thereafter he was invited into thehousehold of the Magnincent, Lorenzo deMedici. Wherehe had an oppertunity to converse with younger Medici,which later became pontiff Leo X. As he was alsointroduced to humanists as Marsilio Ficino and the poetPolitian, who were frequent visiters. By the age of 16Michelangelo had produced two relief sculptures ,the battleof the Centaurs and the Madonna of the stairs, whichshowed that he had achieved a very personal style at a veryearly age. His patron Lorenzo died in 1492 two years laterMichelangelo fled Florence,when the Medici weretemporarily expelled. For a duration he was settled inBologna, where in 1494 and 1495 he sculpted severalmarble statuettes for the arca (shrine) di San Domenico.Michelangelo went to Rome, where he was able toexamine many newly unearthed untarnished statues and ruins.He soon produced his first large sculpture the over life sizeBacchus in 1496-1498. One of the few works of paganrather than Christian subject made by the master, it rivaledancient statuary, the highest mark of admiration inRenaissance Rome. At about the samr time periodMichelangelo did the marble Piet in 1498. It was immaculatein 1500. It was one of the most famous works of art, thePiet was probubly finished before Michelangelo was 25years old, and is the only piece of work he ever signed. Inthe piece the youthfull bloody sh ame is shown seated majestically,holding the dead Christ across her lap, it was a theme thatwas borrowed from northern European art. Instead ofrevealing extreme grief, Mary is restrained, and herexpression is one of resignation. In this work, Michelangelosummerizes the sculptural innovations of his 15th-centurypredecessors such as Donatello, while ushering in the newmonumentality... ...helangelo ultimatelybecame responsible for the altar end of the building on theexterior and for the final form of its dome. The greatRenaissance poet Ludovico Ariosto wrote succinctly of thisfamous artist Michael more than mortal, divine angel.Indeed, Michelangelo was widely awarded the epithetdivine because of his extraordinary accomplishments. cardinal generations of Italian painters and sculptures wereimpressed by his treatment of the human figure Raphael,Annibale Carracci, Jacopo da pontormo, RossoFiorentino, Sebastiano del Piombo, and Titan. His domefor Saint Peters became the symbol of authorit y, as well asthe model, for domes all over the Western world themajorityof state capitol buildingsin the united states, as wellas the Capitol building in Washington D.C., are dirivedfrom it. Michelangelo died in 1564 and his consistence wasplaced in a fine monument in the church of Santa Croce. Toconclude, Michelangelo led a long and very talented life. Asa painter sculpture, poet and architect. He has manyfamous pieces of work still known and talked about today,all around the world. Many people knew him and lovedhim and those who didnt know him personaly, knew ofhim.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Both Liberals and Conservatives Oppose Human Cloning :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics
Both Liberals and Conservatives Oppose Human Cloning The reporting of the debate over human clone is usually portrayed as a contest between religious opponents of abortion and medical researchers striving to benefit humankind. The stereotype was epitomized in a January 17, 2002, majuscule Post story by science reporter Rick Weiss. Implying that opponents of human cloning are the moral equivalent of the Taliban, Weiss wrote In November, researchers announced that they had made the beginning human embryo clones, giving immediacy to warnings by religious button-downs and others that science is no longer serving the nations moral will. At the same time, the United States was rubbish a war to free a faraway nation from the grip of religious conservatives who were denounced for imposing their moral code on others.(Washington) The Post ombudsman gently rebuked Weiss for his tangible or perceived bias, but the fact that he made the comparison, and that no editor removed it, is revea ling. In reality, the opponents of human cloning are not so easily categorized. For one thing, they include many secular activists associated with the pro-choice left. Last year, in a lopsided bipartisan vote, the House of Representatives passed the Weldon bill (H.2505), which would outlaw some(prenominal) research and reproductive human cloning. Among those supporting the ban were 21 House members whose voting records on abortion were at least 75 percent pro-choice as scored by the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL). Now, 68 leftist activists have signed a Statement in Support of jurisprudence to Prohibit Cloning. Among them are such notables as activist Jeremy Rifkin, sensitive York University professor Todd Gitlin, novelist Norman Mailer, Commonweal editor Margaret OBrien, Abortion Access Project director Susan Yanow, New Age spiritual leader Matthew Fox, and Judy Norsigian, author of the feminist manifesto Our Bodies, Ourselves. Among arguments against the c loning of human life, these leftists stress the commercial eugenics that the new technologies threaten to unleash. They write We are similarly concerned about the increasing bio-industrialization of life by the scientific community and life science companies and shocked and dismayed that clonal human embryos have been procure and declared to be human inventions. We oppose efforts to reduce human life and its various parts and processes to the status of mere research tools, manufactured products, commodities, and utilities.(Prepared) These are points that conservative opponents of cloning have been making for a long time, with limited effect thanks to the medias obsession with the politics of abortion.
Both Liberals and Conservatives Oppose Human Cloning :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics
Both Liberals and Conservatives Oppose Human Cloning The reporting of the debate over gentle cloning is usually portrayed as a contest between religious opponents of abortion and medical researchers striving to benefit humankind. The stereotype was epitomized in a January 17, 2002, Washington can story by science reporter Rick Weiss. Implying that opponents of human cloning atomic number 18 the moral equivalent of the Taliban, Weiss wrote In November, researchers denote that they had made the first human embryo clones, giving immediacy to warnings by religious conservatives and others that science is no longer serving the nations moral will. At the same(p) time, the United States was fighting a war to free a faraway nation from the grip of religious conservatives who were denounced for imposing their moral code on others.(Washington) The Post ombudsman gently rebuked Weiss for his real or perceived bias, but the fact that he made the comparison, and that no editor removed i t, is revealing. In reality, the opponents of human cloning are not so easily categorized. For one thing, they include many secular activists associated with the pro-choice left. Last year, in a lopsided bipartisan vote, the House of Representatives passed the Weldon news report (H.2505), which would outlaw both research and reproductive human cloning. Among those supporting the ban were 21 House members whose voting records on abortion were at least 75 percent pro-choice as scored by the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL). Now, 68 leftist activists have signed a Statement in Support of Legislation to Prohibit Cloning. Among them are such notables as activist Jeremy Rifkin, New York University professor Todd Gitlin, novelist Norman Mailer, Commonweal editor Margaret OBrien, Abortion Access render director Susan Yanow, New Age spiritual leader Matthew Fox, and Judy Norsigian, author of the feminist manifesto Our Bodies, Ourselves. Among arguments against the cloni ng of human life, these leftists stress the commercial eugenics that the new technologies threaten to unleash. They pull through We are also concerned about the increasing bio-industrialization of life by the scientific community and life science companies and shocked and dismayed that clonal human embryos have been patented and declared to be human inventions. We oppose efforts to reduce human life and its various parts and processes to the status of mere research tools, manufacture products, commodities, and utilities.(Prepared) These are points that conservative opponents of cloning have been making for a long time, with limited effect thanks to the medias obsession with the politics of abortion.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Diversity of Individuals Essay
1.1.i DIVERSITYDiversity means difference. It is about recognizing the different destinys and preferences of an individual and pass judgment them. This could be related to their culture and personality or just their preferences. As well as many other factors. E actuallyone is different.1.1.ii ANTI-DISCRIMINATORY PRACTICENot to discriminate against soul in terms of race, disability, gender, religion, sexual orientation and age.1.1.iii ANTI-OPPRESSIVE PRACTICEIn social care you need to take an anti oppressive approach. You can not hand over and make someone do what you want because its easier for you. If the house physician would like to do something you can advise but you can not make them do what you want because you are in a stronger position.1.2 Explain why it is authorized to recognize and respect an individuals heritage Every resident should be treated with the aforementioned(prenominal) respect they would deserve if they were not in care. They should be treated as if they could do things for themselves. Carers are there to assist the resident. Their customs and religious practices are very important to them. It defines who they are. Some like their dietary needs met regarding not eating pork etc. Some will not accept blood transfusions. We need to honor their wishes to the best of our ability.1.3 Describe why an individual with dementedness may be subjected to discrimination and oppression A resident who has dementia may not be able to remember her preferences so its rectify to the carer to find out. For example if the resident is Muslim then her religious beliefs means she doesnt eat pork. It is down to the carer to respect this and not just take on the attitude of it doesnt matter1.4 Describe how discrimination and oppressive practice can be challenged As a carer if I was to see a colleague discriminate against a resident, first of all I would highlight the residents preferences and point out what they are doing is wrong. If the carer was tranqu illise to carry on I would bring it to the attention of my senior or manager who would then deal with it following company policy.2.1 Explain why it is important to identify an individuals specific and unique needs It is important to identify a residents needs so they can live their smell as they want. Sometimes the resident may not be able to express their wishes and preferences so it is important to speak to close family members and friends to find out what they would prefer.2.2 Compare The Experience OfDementia For An psyche Who Has Acquired It As An Older Person With The Experience Of An Individual Who Has Acquired It As a Younger Person It would not be much different between an sometime(a) and younger person, they would both still experience the same effects that dementia brings to a person. However a younger person getting dementia would in all likelihood feel more affected as they may feel that its unfair that they have it so young when they have a lot of life left ahead of them, they also may not be able to deal with it very well as most people associate dementia with older people. Their life will change so much and sometimes so quickly, they may have to leave work, stop driving etc. and then they would have to think about the help they would need, finance etc. which with so much happening and changing can lead to a lot of express and then to depression in a person and sometimes more. Having dementia as an older person is probably more easier to deal with than getting it as a younger person because you have experienced a lot and lived a life so you would be more acceptance of it and deal with it a lot better.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Poetry Analysis Jabberwocky
Give some ex. males. Very realistic and descriptive imagery. The furious Bandleaders 9. Does the poem boast meter? If so, what is it? NO. 10. Does your poem have a rhyme scheme? Ifs, what sit? The lilting rhythm Of Jawbreakers helps the narrators cause. It makes the p memo easy to remember, and it keeps the story abject forward at a regular clip. 1 1 . What other sound devices(alliteration, assonance, onomatopoeia) have be en included byte poet? Give examples of each(prenominal).All the exclamation points in the middle are what give our storyteller his cues to gesticulate wildly at us while relaying the epic battle, and so even though the rhythm hindrance s constant, we have some good changes in volume. Beware the Jawbreaker my son A d burbled as it came 12. What figures of speech are included ( metaphor,simile, personification, why parole, metonymy, apostrophe, and so on )? Include examples and explain the effect each o en has on your understanding and appreciation of the po em. Speaking of volume, and wonderful uses onomatopoeia. Snickering who piffling galumphing and chortled 13. What is the mood Of this poem? develop your answer. Violence, Perseverance, Men and Masculinity, Good v. Evil, and Men and the N trial World. 14. Identify words which have a connotative meaning which help to clarify the authors tone. Explain each example. Beware the Jujube bird, and shun the furious Bandleaders He left it dead d, and with its head he went galumphing back. 15. What is the authors tone (his or her attitude toward the subject?He is process of monition and than triumphant. 16. Explain the significance of the poems title. To hence the fact that the poem is pure nonsense . 17. Write a paragraph in which you briefly summarize the poem. The poem begins with a description of the setting and continues into an after noon, with strange, monounsaturated milling around and making noises. Then, we have some dialogue. A father tells his son to beware of something called a Jackbooted hat lurks in the woods and has horrible claws and teeth.Theres also some other nasty stuff out there the Jujube bird and the Bandleaders. The son takes his sword and goes out look for these creatures, and finally finds and kills the Jawbreakers. Upon r turning with the creatures head, the father is overjoyed and they celebrate. The first s Tanta repeats, and things appear to return back to normal. 18. Based on your analysis, what do you think is the authors goal in writing g this poem? That is, what universal truth does he/she want to share with his/ her readers (theme)? Over coming your fears.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Evolution of Health Care Information Systems Essay
Health superintend has come a long way in engine room for the past, implementing new technology has made the health commission industry grow in size. Major events of health c be have paved the way for future technologies influence the physicians, administrators, clinicians, and staff to push do away with the old ways of thinking and create new initiatives of nurture governing bodys.Health care information will be moving forward with signifi trampt changes, technology involvement will prove to be a positive and much involveed impact to the decision making process. Compare and Contrast Health sustentation Operations within 20 years The evolution of health care information system has been proficient, effective, and unhurried-foc used technologies have an influence on the way health germinate over the years. East Orange General Hospital has a lifetime of learning in keeping up with the new trends of technology.The changes in the health care information systems from 20 years a go have put value on the system by improving enduring safety and confidentiality. The broad spectrum of clinic information has made a way for hospitals to integrate with administrative applications of care.East Orange General Hospital have the use of information technology so the increase of efficiency and patient-centered care to possible with the right measures. Comparing the health IT systems to 20 years in the past has shown the comprehensive strive in implementing and computerizing various aspects of care management. Delivering information in todays time has shown the function of the new trends of operating and implementing new technology. In 20 years, paper documentation was the general office rule for information, patient charts came in the paper form.The differences of past information management in health care was ambiguous and undone data, poor availability, and abrupt data of patient charts. In todays information system, significant advances help maintain a high tone of voice of care. Improving patient care, clinical information expanded to help increase the feel of care. East Orange General Hospital has launched a new electronic health check record system to support efficiency and accuracy in patient accounts. The organization will reduce the use of paper charts, but still uses both paper and electronic record keeping. The implementation of computerized record system at EOGH has now positioned itself to receive incentive payment from Medicaid and Medicare (Slavin, 2011 Para 1-2). The technology used at EOGH is Centricity, Series, and Precyse systems these systems control the computerized supplier order entry (CPOE), Health Information Exchange (HIE), and Personal Health Record (PHR). Information technology today made it possible to improve patient services in many ways. Hospitals will be better equipped with the tools for maintaining patient records and keeping confidentiality of information intact.Paper-based information was the normal way to go 20 years ago, documentation misplaced, duplicates used made patient information unreliable for some parts of record keeping. The health Information system has become intimately challenging with promising results through research, education, and medical examination informatics in medical records and health care (Haux, 2004 p 269). Rising technologies in health care need a high-tech approach in the medical community to a terrific life-span in health care organizations and the willingness to use it.Technology is showing how in the future disease management will be a prior and reflection on the progress of better diagnosis with the technology realm of care for health care. Various successes of technology have made the concept of prevention, health promotion, and integrative medicine to bond for a product of quality care (Weil, 2011 p1). Major Events and Technological Advantages that Influenced Current HCIS Practices Technological advantages starts with the implementation of inf ormation systems that will help physicians obtain a more rapid response for patient medical records.The change in health care started with the potential benefits of the EMR a step further by adding sophisticated hardware to the mix (Silverman, 1998 p 2). Doctors can use a wall-mounted keyboard with a monitoring system to check results of recent procedures, consultations, operations, or images. Health information recording and clinical data repository is how checking orders of daily medications by touching key pad helps in the integration process of writing progress notes of the clinical findings.Electronic Medical Records has steps in pulling patient charts, searching for missing or misfiled data, transcribing orders, filling out multiple lab, diagnostic test, and pharmacy requisitions, or writing progress notes hours after having actually examined the patient are now all completed (Silverman, 1998 p 2). The clinical data repository needs a good electronic medical records system, so that medical records that been scanned can be reviewed. EMR is a record in digital format which can be capable of experiencing certain health care agendas of care. EMRs are existence embedded in network-connected enterprise-wide information systems (Dacca, 2013 Para 2). The records included has a certain range of information in summary or comprehensive text, including demographics, immunizations, radiology data, medical history, laboratory test results, medication, and allergies, vital signs, personal status of age, sex, and weight, and billing information.Electronic Medical Record (EMR) is a critical part of quality care for everyone conglomerate in the process of EMRs and Americas standard of care. EMR and other decision support systems can help prevent medical errors that plaques the United States for decades under the histrion and abuse category in health care (Williams & Austin, 2008 p 40). The second event that has shaped the core of HCIS is how the Health Information Port ability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) has helped health care delivery system to excel in providing effective and safe care and highest quality possible. The government created the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the 1950s this agency is strictly for continual improvement in patient confidentiality within health care facilities.The public are the main concern of the union Commission in collaboration with stakeholders, joint commission help inspire safe and effective care (The Joint Commission, 2012 Para 2). The joint Commission governs the assessments of quality and safety of care within health organizations that help set standards that measures quality care with patient confidentiality. Conclusion Health care technology has reached epic equalizer in America, Innovation is important in medical technology it is the essence health care rganizations. The drive of technology is the innovation for a better quality care in a faster pace. Medical technolo gy help improves individual lives and help in the benefits of treatment to individuals whose conditions may have been difficult or impossible to treat (Wager, Lee & Glaser, 2009 p 5) with new trends of health care. Innovation is improving in products, and improving the way healthcare shows delivery this is making healthcare delivery efficient and more sustainable.
Friday, May 24, 2019
How do culture and society relate to each other Essay
What is culture and what is society? Even though these cardinal definitions are closely colligate to each other, culture and society is not the same thing. While cultures are complexes of learned behavior patterns and perceptions, societies are groups of people who directly or indirectly act with each other. People in societies also generally perceive that their society is distinct from others in harm of shared traditions and expectations. In the same time these two definitions are inevitable connected because culture is created and genetical to others in a society.Cultures are not the products of lone individuals. They are the continuously evolving products of people interacting with each other. heathenish patterns such as language and politics hold up no sense except in terms of the interaction of people. If you were the only human on earth, thither would be no need for language or government. To summarize, a culture is a configuration of learned behaviors and results of beh avior whose component elements are shared and transmitted by the members of a particular society. 2. 5 Critically analyse the application of the terms culture and society to every day life.If I should analyse the terms culture and society to every day life, first of all I should state the fact I am foreigner living in diametric country and because of that inevitable I have a different perception about the things around me in comparison with the locals. Customs and social patterns which escortms perfectly natural for the others at times can feel actually pretty strange and not at place for me. British society differs widely from the society I was living in back home it consists of different rules and patterns of public behavior. Thats why its only natural for me to experience numerous cultural differences daily.For practice in British society manners are very important and people place considerable value on punctuality. In England, people make great effort to arrive on time. If y ou agree to meet friends at exact time you can be sure they will be on time. It is often considered impolite to arrive compensate a few minutes late. If you are unable to keep an appointment, it is expected that you call the person you are meeting. In my country though nobody will pay attention if you are late a little for appointment. Especially when you are meeting with friends or even going to a party often a late arrival can considered to be very fashionable.Because of cultural differences sometimes it can occurred misunderstandings, in pasture to avoid that I need to be conscious of my actions in my every day life. 2. 6 Distinguish between personal perception and objective patterns. ad hominem perception is referred to the way how you see the world. It is related to the subjective, culture and cultural interpretation. Objective patterns are the patterns of behaviour, norms and rules which are imposed by the society and it is referred to the way how society see the world. Som etimes the personal perception can be in conflict with the objective patterns.One example of it is the Mormons. Mormons believe that men can marry as many women as they wish. From their point of view polygamy or plural marriage is acceptable and it is considerable for normal behavior. Ofcourse this is not how larger society sees it. Society rejects the motif strongly and considers polygamous relationships for illegal. Even though now polygamy is forbidden in all states of America, over a century ago it wasnt prohibited in Utah until 1857 when the United States federal government forced Mormons to abandon the practice.According Wikipedia, the Mormons eventually complied and formally abolished the practice in 1890, in a document designate The Manifesto. Bibliography Damen, L. (1987). Culture Learning The Fifth Dimension on the Language Classroom. Reading, MA Addison-Wesley. Linton, R. (1945). The Cultural Background of Personality. New York. http//anthro. palomar. edu/culture/cultur e_1. htm http//www. woodlands-junior. kent. sch. uk/customs/questions/social. htm http//www. carla. umn. edu/culture/definitions. hypertext mark-up language http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Mormonism_and_polygamy
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Classical and Human Relations Theories Essay
Critic solelyy evaluate the classical and human relations show upes of commission theory. Your essay must clearly define the term c argon theory and involve industry examples to illustrate your answers.The purpose of this essay is to run a lively assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the classical and human relations theories of counsel giving some industry examples which supports their applicability and importance or otherwise. Critical evaluation is the skill of assessing the strengths and weaknesses of a piece of work, and of understanding the importance of its contribution to the subject. Hulme, J.A. (2004). For the benefits of in-depth analysis we result look at the classical scientific of F. W. Taylor (and not the classical administrative approach of say Weber), identifying expert supported strengths and weaknesses of his approach.Equally, we will look at Herzbergs human relations theory of motivation. Classical guidance was rooted on the sentiment that emplo yees have lone(prenominal) economical and physical ineluctably, and that social needs and need for barter-satisfaction either dont exist or are unimportant. Accordingly, this school advocates lofty specialization of labor, centralized ratiocination making, and profit maximization. The humanistic (or human relations) school recognized concourse as a special sort of resource. They not nevertheless work for the organization they are the organization.Mary Parker Follett succinctly defined management as the art of getting things done through people. Management theory sens be defined as a body of general principles on how best to manage a business or organization to achieve its goals and how to touch off employees to achieve highest possible performance.F. W. Taylor (the father of scientific management) was the intellectual leader of the efficiency or classical movement. According to him the main object of management should be to tighten the maximum prosperity for the employer, coupled with the maximum prosperity of each employee. For employers maximum prosperity not only means large profits but overall development in the enterprise to a state of permanent prosperity. Taylor was, therefore, driven to ask why is there so much antagonism and inefficiency? He suggested 3 causes (1) the fallacious belief by workers that massive increase in output will ultimately lead to their unemployment (2) the defective systems of management which make it possible for workers to jump output so as to protect their interests (3) effort- wasting methods of work. The aim of scientific management to him was to overcome these obstacles by a systematic study of work to view the most efficient methods of performing the stock, and then a systematic study of management leading to the most efficient methods of controlling the workers.As Taylor puts it What the workmen want from their employers beyond anything else is high wages and what employers want from their workmen most of all is low labour cost of manufacture.the existence or absence of these two elements forms the best mightiness to either good or bad management. (Pugh & Hickson, 1996) Taylor, therefore, propounded four principles of management Development of a true science of work to replace the old rule-of thumb those fulfilling optimum goals would earn higher wages failure would result in loss of earnings. The Scientific selection and progressive development of the worker Every worker brook be trained to be first- class at some task. The mental revolution in management He argued that the major resistance to scientific management came from management as workers are all too keen to learn to do a good job for a high rate of pay.The unbroken and close cooperation of management and workers Every job is divided into various tasks each of which is done by a specialist- this system he calls functional management. He also formulates the exception principle where management reports only details deviati on from the expected norm. In support of his approach, it has been argued that Taylor laid the foundation for the development of other management systems for decades to come. His thinking has been developed into what is now called Work Study or Industrial Engineering. Taylors focus is understandably narrow as he was writing from scratch. a couple of(prenominal) managements have been willing to put into practice one of his basic tenets that there should be no limit to earnings or bonus- most incentive schemes are restricted. This may inhibit the mental revolution Taylor sought. The focus on division of labour leads to increased efficiency and productivity.This can be seen in many trading operations ranging from fast food to large industrial facilities e.g. MacDonalds or the car industry. Ford is said to have adopted his approach in 1913. Taiichi Ono of Toyota, father of JIT acknowledges his debt to scientific management. The autocratic style of leadership also ensures a unity of co mmand, clear lines of direction and control for a better focus on the job at hand. During his time, the work force was not highly educated or trained. For many, the opportunity to obtain a secure job and a level of wages to provide for their families was all they expected. Taylor, like the other classicists, have been criticised in that he heavily relied on experiences with large manufacturing companies enjoying stable environments. It may be unwise to generalize from those situations to others specially to young, high-technology firms of today that are confronted daily with intensifys in their competitors products.Taylor assumed that workers are only motivated by money and that productivity is the best measure of how well a firm is performing. These assumptions fail to recognize that employees may have needs unrelated to the workplace or may view their jobs only as a prerequisite evil. His approach tends to ignore in baronial relations as characterized by social interchange amon g workers, the emergence of group leaders apart from those specified by the formal organization, and so forth. When such things are not considered, it is likely that many important factors affecting satisfaction and performance, such as letting employees participate in decision making and task planning, will never be explored or tried.Taylors approach aim at achieving high productivity, at making behaviors predictable, and at achieving legality among workers and between managers and workers fails to recognize that several unintended consequences can occur in practice. A heavy emphasis on rules and regulations may cause people to follow rules blindly without remembering their original intent, defeating their objectives. The theory was dehumanising work processes stripped jobs of skill and judgement, treating workers as machine parts. Organizations are influenced by external conditions that often fluctuate over time, yet his approach presents an image of an organization that is not affected by external influences.The Human Relations theories of ManagementThe primary functions of any organization, whether religious, political or industrial, should be to implement the needs of man to enjoy a meaningful existence. Frederick Herzberg (Pugh & Hickson, 1996)Frederick Herzberg (1923-2000), an American psychologist, conducted research on 200 engineers and accountants that led him to develop the two-factor theory of job satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Herzbergs two-factor theory separated the elements of a job into those serving economic needs (hygiene and maintenance factors/Adam) and those meeting deeper aspirations (motivational factors/Abraham). He also relates job satisfaction and dissatisfaction to mental health. The motivators include responsibility, a sense of achievement, recognition, promotion and job attraction. These things are likely to motivate workers and are related directly to the job. The hygiene factors include company policy and procedures, superv ision, pay, work relationships and working conditions. These factors can only reduce job dissatisfaction and they are not directly linked to the job. Making sure these factors are acceptable to the labour force prevents dissatisfaction rather than causing positive motivation.The Adam factor seeks the avoidance of dissatisfaction and the Abraham factor is linked to job satisfaction. Their absence will not cause dissatisfaction but will reduce job satisfaction. Man has the above two sets of needs explained Herzberg in a later book (work and the nature of man) his needs as an animal to avoid pain and his needs as a human to grow psychologically. A lack in one cannot be remunerative by fulfillment in the other. Herzberg therefore advocates for an industrial engineering approach which would design the Abraham factor into jobs. This he called job enrichment to produce an effective utilization of people and to increase job satisfaction. When a worker does more hours at work to save money for a holiday it is a movement, not motivation.From this, Herzberg suggested that reward base systems including bonuses, could only provide movement rather than long term motivation. The main criticism of Herzbergs research was the fact that the sample he used consisted of only two hundred accountants and engineers. It was also overly simplistic and blurs the distinction between satisfaction and motivation. Being pleased with doing a more challenging set of tasks does not necessarily mean it will increase motivation.It was also suggested that his research understated the role of groups and teams within the workplace. This is because groups and teams can generate a great deal of motivational influence. Even though Herzbergs work has its criticisms, his ideas have been shown to be valid in practice. This is evident in businesses because a pay rise or change in working conditions is rarely enough to produce a labour force that is highly motivated. It has also been shown that if worker s perceive a wage increase to be inadequate or working conditions are less than ideal it can have major consequences on the business and its operations. (The annual series of strikes by LU workers springs to mind).ConclusionAs Oliver Wendel Holmes quoted, When we want to know what is going on today or want to make sure what will happen tomorrow, I will look back at the past. One theory will not fit all businesses at all times, naturally. But management theories are expedient in that they formulate principles of best practise. Their relevance will depend on the socio-economic, cultural and political environments in which they are applied. The gurus have all the answers, but all the answers are different. No one knows the problem . (Owen, Jo, Management stripped bare, 2012, 3rd ed.)ReferencesHulme, J.A. (2004). Critical Evaluation A Student Guide. Psychology Review, 10, 6-8. Pugh & Hickson, (1996) Writers on Organizations, (5thed) George, Claude S.1968. The History of management thou ght (1sted). Englewood Cliffs N.J. Prentice-hall Herzberg, F. (1959) Mausner, B Snyderman, B. the motivation to work, NY Herzberg, F. (1966) Work and the nature of man, world publ.Herzberg, F. (1976) Managerial choice To be efficient and to be human, Dow Jones, Irwin Owen, Jo, (2012) Management stripped bare, 3rd ed.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Meaning of Life and Action Movie Essay
Im not a big fan of doing movies. What bothers me is not that the protagonist is most often dog throughout the movie, jumping out of (through, onto) moving vehicles, dangling from or climbing the walls, delivering shots or skillfully escaping various projectile weapons. Its that once the excitement is done, nix much remains. It gets tired and tiring precise quickly, and in the end makes me feel that I would have as good of a time trying to cut through a very busy Toronto intersection.It never occurred to me that the reason why the effect of action movies may not be lasting or profound is that very frequently they are not done very well. I just couldnt imagine what a well-done action movie would be like. stomach night I watched Mel Gibsons Apocalypto, and for the first time felt moved, moved rather deeply, by an action movie. It may seem an unlikely combination, Mel Gibson directing and co-writing a film on a decline of Mayan civilization. But he got any(prenominal)thing right not necessarily the details (though the details seem OK according to some experts on Mayan culture) but the feeling of it.On surface, this is no different than any other action movie the protagonist is still being chased by the bad guys, running, climbing, dangling, fighting, leaping. The difference is that the meaning of the action is placed in the context that challenges our own understanding of what it means to survive. Apocalypto is a meditation on fear. It confronts us with the simple(a) reality of having to negotiate our continued presence or potential destruction in a world where the most grotesque cruelty will line up not from the world of wild beasts but from the familiar hands of other humans, even those sharing ones language and culture.In most action movies we feel indiscriminately tense that no harm should come to the one who is chased (we must still have hearts of prey to be so easily identified with the pursued and not the pursuer). In Apocalypto, the protagonist is teaching us how to negotiate fear so that death, if it were to come, is done as well as living. And finally, that running away and running toward may look alike, but are not. Not at all bad for an action flick.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Dianna Abdala
Group Name The McLovetts Group Members Casie Mahalitc, Candice Lovett, Matt Cliborn, Louis Fratesi Project Two Chapter 11 Incident 1, Dianna AbdalaQuestions1. With whom do you side here-Abdala or Korman? Neither because twain made mis reappearances that created the situation.2. What mistakes do you think each party made?One mistake made by both people was the fact that both parties could not refrain from imperious one another. If one or the other would have simply been the bigger person and stop responding, the situation may have not gotten prohibited of hand.Abdalas Mistakes She should have used a richer channel of communication for delivering her decision to not accept the line of reasoning offer. For instance, she could have scheduled a day to go by and tell Korman in person.-Challenging his credibility as a lawyer -Accepting the job offer, if what Korman said is true, to begin with putting careful thought into making a decisionKormans Mistakes -He could have acknowledged her offer rejection respectfully instead of going as far insulting her and her method of delivery. By keeping calm and being respectful, a possible olive branch could have been extended for the companys future ineluctably in staffing. Although it is his company, it was very spiteful of him to forward the exchange to his colleagues. What happened between he and Abdala should have stayed between them.Not having a job offer contract in opus for future credibilityUsing profanity3. Do think this exchange will damage Abdalas career? Yes, because it is never a good idea to burn bridges with people. cosmos that Korman has his own firm and experience in prosecutions, Abdala may have ruined her chances at even having him being her counselor. Kormans firm? His unprofessionalism may gain him a reputation, but not as much damage will be done to his firm. If he is responding to offer rejections the style he did with Abdala, he could miss out on an opportunity to later hire quality candidates for other positions in his firm.4. What does this exchange tell you about the limitations of email? It shows that email is not the best way to deliver bad news or negative messages. As discussed in the chapter, during an email inhibitions go out the window and people do not take the time to think about what they are going to say and what consequences may follow.
Monday, May 20, 2019
The Struggle life of a Mexi eject-the Statesn In todays society, racial profiling is not un chance upond of, actually it is quite common. It is still at debate whether the act of racial profiling in moral or not. In the essay Exile. El Paso, Texas, Saenz describes his personal experience of discrimination due to his social background. Saenz is a Mexican-American and because he lives in El Paso, which is a spring town, he is often mistaken for an criminal immigrant by other Americans. Through turn out the essay, Saenzs touch sensation rough his identity as an American had changed.He feels similar he is always being judged by Americans sorely on his appearances. Towards the beginning of his essay, Saenz feels give care he belonged to America and he had a positive view about everything around him, special is the nature throughout his desk view. Saenz says, I looked out my window and stared at the Juarez Mountains. Mexican purples burning. (p. 20). We can see that Saenz is enjoyi ng his desk view. He goes further in describing how he feels, All this color, all this color, all this color beneath the shadow of the Juarez Mountains.Sunset Heights a perfect bulge with a perfect name, and a perfect view of the river. (p. 20). These colors, especially the purple, represent the beauty of El Paso for him. At this point, it is easy for Saenz to find the beauty of El Paso. But later, Saenzs feeling had changed because Saenz is halt on the lanes of his neighborhood and head teachered by the border patrol officers. When she first saw him, she suspected that Saenz was not American. She asked him where he came from and later she repeated the question in Spanish because the thought Saenz could not understand English.Even thought Saenz said he was a U. S citizen, she still kept her suspicious about his identify and kept petition him some questions to make sure. disrespect the rude questioning of the female border patrol officer, Saenz tried to stay relay linkly and appeasing. Afterwards, Saenz regreted the way he handled the situation saying, I was embarrassed, ashamed because Id been so damned compliant handle a piece of canister shot foil in the uniformed womans hand. (p. 22). At the alike time Saenz becomes annoyed and says to himself, pretty soon Ill soak up to carry a passport in my own neighborhood. ( p. 22).Because he thinks when people stops him and starts to ask him the same questions, he would show them the passport to confirm that he is American then they cannot be mean to him. Besides, Saenz was touched by the questions of the border patrol officer and the attitudes, so he tried to do anything to get these questions out of his mind. As the result, he went for a run, he kept running until he could no longer hear Are you sure you were born in Las Cruces? . The next encounter, the border patrol officers still had doubt about him and they asked him some question such as Do you live in this neighborhood? , Where down the street? (p. 23). But in this encounter, he became more confident for his answers and with each pursuing officer Saenz becomes more aggressive. He replied they are you planning on making a social visit? (p. 23). Couple months later, he was stopped again and be asked by the similar questions where are you from? (p. 24). Saenz was so upset and he asked them to leave him alone. In another day, when he was in Juarez with his friend, Michael, the custom officer asked them to declare their citizenship.After they answered that they was U. S citizens, the officer kept asking Saenz about where he was born in America and did not ask Michael. In this situation, Saenz noticed that his friend did not be asked about the identity because he had blue eyes, white skin which makes him look like an American. Thus, Saenz feels like he was being discriminated against because his appearance. Saenzs total shift is completed in his final confrontation of the essay. In this run in with the border patrol Saenzs defi ance is most blatant.Saenz is pushed past his threshold and snaps, saying to the officer, con me my rights, throw me in the can, or leave me alone. (p. 26) The reader is able to view Saenzs change in attitude. Saenz feeling of annoyance turns to pure hatred. Saenz states, He hated me as much as I hated him. (p. 26). We can see the feeling of Saenz had changed from the beginning through the end of the essay. When the first meet up with the female border patrol officer, he did not get upset about what she acted to him and her rude questions.Nevertheless, his feeling had changed day by day because of the behavior of the officers that makes him feel like he is separated from his neighborhood. Saenzs lifestyle has been an ongoing dispute for him because of all the harassments and discrimination he encountered in El Paso. He realized that people judged him sorely ground on his appearance and treats him different than his other American friends just because he doesnt look like an ideal American. Throughout the essay he becomes less and less aware of his identity and who he rightfully is.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Compare and Contrast Between Odipius the King and Doubt a Parable
Comparison Contrast amidst Oedipus the force and mistrust A metaphor Oedipus the poove and Doubt a fabrication argon ii very well- cutn plays that affirm made themselves very popular throughout the world. These plays get hold of touched the hearts of umteen and have brought out the inner most opinions and discussions of thousands of individuals. These two plays have been acted out some times since the time they were prototypal released. Although these plays ar two(prenominal) very popular and loved by many, they both(prenominal) have their similarities and disparitys.First and foremost the differences betwixt Oedipus the queen regnant and Doubt A illustration are very easily noniced. For example, Oedipus the Kings desktop takes place outside of a palace, while on the other hand Doubt A parables setting is much more religious and takes place at a church, a initiate located in the Bronx of Manhattan. Another difference between the two plays is that Doubt A parab le was substantial in innovational family, while Oedipus the King was originated in the ancient Greek theatre. This Greek theatre was farewell of a religious ancient festival celebration.To attend a performance of one of these plays was an act of worship. It wasnt intended for self-entertainment or as a hobby to pass time. Another guidance that this Greek theatre was different is that every citizen would attend these plays. Also, Doubt A Parable was developed in 2004 while Oedipus the King was believed to first be developed in the year 430 B. C. Another example of a difference between Oedipus the King and Doubt A Parable is that the plots of the two plays are tot tout ensembley different. For example, the plot for Oedipus the King is that a plague has stricken Thebes.All of the citizens of Thebes gather outside the palace of Oedipus, wanting him to take care of this horrid problem. In response, the King responds by sending Creon to the oracle at Delphi to learn of how he can he lp the city. When he returns, he tells Oedipus that the plague entrust end when the receiver of Laius is caught and exiled from the city. Oedipus then promises to solve all of this hysteria, vowing to drive the murderer out of the city. The irony is that Oedipus testament eventually learn that he is in reality the murderer and will briefly be punished.The plot for Doubt A parable is that it opens with a sermon by Father Flynn, a very respectable priest, addressing the importance of doubt. The schools principle, Sister Aloysius insists upon constant vigilance. During a meeting with a younger nun, Sister Aloysius learns that Father Flynn has been messing around with one of the altar boys. After this, Aloysius and father Flynn are into ship conflict. After this accusation has been made, Father Flynn threatens to remove Aloysius from her position, but Aloysius has found a lot of dirt on Father Flynn and so he is finally forced to transfer fewwhere else.There are also many other di fferences between these two famous plays. For example, in the movie version of Doubt A Parable, it actually takes the form of how modern day American movies are made, while Oedipus the King still takes the form of a play on film. Another difference between these two plays is that Oedipus the King deals with a more gallant background, while Doubt A Parable is a more strict, quiet and religious background. Also, Oedipus the King was not necessarily invented by Sophocles.In fact the plays most weighty affects often depend on the aspect that the sense of hearing already knows everything about the story. In contrast, Doubt A Parable follows a more traditional pillow slip of story in which the audience learns as the plot of the story takes place. For example, in Oedipus the King, the audience must know what was already going on to understand the play. The words the actors would speak should normally do this, but some things must be seen in order to fully understand what is going on in the play.There were many times during this play when the hypocrites wouldnt say anything at all, and it was completely up to their actions to tell the audience everything they necessitate to know. On the contrary, in Doubt A parable the audience had to completely rely on the actors natural selection of words rather than the actions of the actors to fully understand what was going on in the play. Another major difference between these two plays would be the different award directions.For instance, Oedipus the King originating from the ancient Greek theatre, so the way the actors would come onto stage was totally different from that of Doubt A Parable. For example, in Oedipus the King, the way the actors would enter the stage would often help tell the audience about what was going on in the play. An example of this is that in most Greek theatres were one or three entrances. There were normally two parodos, or entrances. If the actors came in from the parados, then they had never theless come from a city or port.If they came in from the left parody, then the actors just came from the fields or a mountainous area. Doubt A parody is different from this in that it uses modern theatre techniques. In modern theatre, entrances are just entrances. Also, Doubt A Parable only lasted about 90 minutes, while Oedipus the King lasts much longer than this. Another big difference between these two plays is that Doubt A Parable has been nominated and awarded many awards since its first opening in 2004, while Oedipus the King has not.The awards for Doubt A Parable include childs play Desk portray for best new play, Drama Desk Award best actor in a play, Drama Desk Award outstanding actress in a play, Drama Desk Award outstanding feature actress in a play, Drama Desk Award outstanding director of a play, Lucille Lortell Award for outstanding play, New York Drama Critics Circle best play, Pulitzer Prize for drama, Tony Award for best featured actress in a play, Tony Award best direction of a play, and World Theatre. All of these awards were awarded to Doubt A Parable in 2005.Also in 2005 it had many nominations as well, such as Tony Award Best fraud in a play, Tony Award best featured actress in a play, Tony Award best beautiful design of a play, and Tony Award best lighting of a play. Although Doubt A Parable and Oedipus the King had many differences, they also shared many similarities as well. One example of a similarity is that both plays are tragedies. They both are literary works in which the main characters are brought to ruins or suffers utmost(a) sorrows, especially as a consequence of a tragic flaw, moral weakness, or inability to heading with unfavorable circumstances.Another similarity between these two popular plays is that they were both performed in one act. The cast of both plays agreed that the second act took place when the audience left the theatre and began to discuss their differing opinions of the events that have taken plac e. Both of these plays have been experienced by many and so there are tons of differing points that the audiences will argue about. Another similarity between these two plays is that Doubt A Parable and Oedipus the King are both very popular and well-known(a) plays in not only the United States, but all around the world.Both of these plays have premiered all around the world and have become a very important part of setting the tone for all of the future plays to come. Another similarity between the two plays id that both of them deal with a priest and altar boys, although the priest and altar boys in Doubt A Parable are more of the traditional type that most modern day people are use to seeing in todays world. These two plays are also similar in that they are both set in assumed places, and deal with fictional characters.An example of this is that Doubt A Parable is set in the fictional St. Nicholas Church school located in the Bronx of Manhattan. Oedipus the King the king is fict ional in in its characters that it uses. For instance, the sphinx which is the character that will not free the city of Thebes of the horrid plague unless her fathom is answered is a fictional character. Another similarity that both of these plays share is that the directors of both plays are very well-known for many of their other works in the arts.For example, Sophocles is well-known for many other for many of his other plays in ancient Athens, while Shanley is a much respected director for his newer modern day films. Also, there have been many versions of both of these plays come out since they were first acted out on stage. Another example of a similarity is that both of these two plays are written in the present tense, and they both have an antagonist in the story that help contribute to the tragic end of each of the two playwrights.Though they have their differences and similarities, both of these plays are wonderful playwrights and will only get more popular as the time pas ses. These plays will continue to grow and will be acted out still for more generations to come. These plays will continue to greatly entertain their audiences and put on a wonderful show. ? Works Cited Shanley, John P. Doubt A Parable. books to Go. Boston, MA Bedford/St. Martins. 2011. 871-904. Sophocles. Oedipus the King. Literature to Go. Boston, MA Bedford/St. Martins, 2011. 639-685.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Reporting Practices and Ethics Paper
Planning is when the financial manager identifies the stairs that moldiness be taken to accomplish the system of ruless objectives. The purpose is to identify objectives and then to identify the steps required for accomplishing these objectives. Controlling is when the financial manager makes sure that each atomic number 18a of the fundamental law is following the plans that ingest been established. The purpose of controlling is to ensure that plans are being followed.Organizing is when the financial manager decides how to use the resources of the organization to nearly effectively carry out the plans that dedicate been established. Directing is when the manager works on a periodical basis to keep the results of the organizing running efficiently. The purpose is to ensure effective resource use and provide daily supervision. Decision making is when the financial manger makes choices among available alternatives. Decision making actually occurs parallel to planning, organiz ing, and controlling.All types of dissuademination making rely on information, and the primary tasks are analysis and evaluation. The purpose is to make informed choices (Baker and Baker, 2001). drumhead of generally accepted accounting principles and general financial honest standards Most health financial aid organizations operate on the accrual accounting basis. With this type of accounting revenue is preserve when it is earned-not when payment is received and expenses are record when they are incurred-not when they are paid.Ethical finale making is required when the health wangle executive mustiness balance the ask and interests of the individual, the organization and society. Those involved in the decision making process must consider estimable principles such(prenominal) as justice, autonomy, beneficence and fairness, as well as professional ethical standards and codes. Physicians, nurses, and other caregivers may to begin with address ethical issues on a case-by-ca se basis. Healthcare executives also assume a business to address those issues at broader organization, community, and social levels ACHE, 2007). Examples from articles that reflect ethical standards of conduct and financial reporting practices. Explain importation of each example. In May 2004, Larry J. Tyler wrote in an article that financial managers need to keep their own individualised finances in order. If a financial manager is living too close to the edge on his/her own finances or are in fear of losing their job, and then they are more in all likelihood to bend their convictions (Tyler, 2004).The importance of this example is so financial managers do not fix the books to make the organization look better than it actually is. If someone thinks that their job is on the line, they are more probable to do what others want them to do as well. In an article written by Joe Batte, a healthcare residence specialist, he reported that state and federal agencies are increasing th eir efforts to eliminate fraud and sophisticate in healthcare.Batte defines fraud as Knowingly and willfully executing or attempting to execute, a scheme or subterfuge to defraud any health care benefit program. Or to obtain, by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations or promises, any of the money or property owned by, or under the imprisonment of, or control of, any health care benefit program. Batte defines make fun as Abuse is be as receiving payment for items and service when there is no legal entitlement for that payment and the provider has not knowingly or intentionally misrepresented the facts to obtain payment.Abuse may, directly or indirectly, result in unnecessary cost to the Medicare or Medicaid programs for services which fail to meet recognized standards of care, or that are medically unnecessary. Whether its abuse or fraud, the fact that a provider can lose everything through being excluded from state and federal health care programs participat ion makes it imperative to run the providers company in a professional, compliant, and business-like fashion. It is also wise to know what is currently being done by the agencies that oversee our health care systems (Batte, Joseph R. 2001). In the articles above, knowledge of what can happen to someone, or the organization as a whole, will discourage managers of falsifying financial reports. Education is key to any position, whether healthcare or another. Knowledge of the consequences will serve well keep managers on the straightened arrow. Conclusion It is incumbent upon healthcare executives to lead in a manner that sets an ethical tone for their organizations. Education in ethics is an important step in healthcares executives life-long trueness to high ethical conduct, both person-to-personly and professionally.In todays more aggressive enforcement environment it pays to nominate an active accordance program in effect, make sure that documentation is complete and legible, a nd dont assume that the small or medium sized provider is not going to be reviewed on a regular basis. The medical industry is held to a higher standard of ethics and many of the overseeing agencies are now using their considerable arsenal to make sure that fraud and abuse reduction is on everyones front burner.Reporting Practices and Ethics PaperPlanning is when the financial manager identifies the steps that must be taken to accomplish the organizations objectives. The purpose is to identify objectives and then to identify the steps required for accomplishing these objectives. Controlling is when the financial manager makes sure that each area of the organization is following the plans that have been established. The purpose of controlling is to ensure that plans are being followed.Organizing is when the financial manager decides how to use the resources of the organization to approximately effectively carry out the plans that have been established. Directing is when the manager works on a everyday basis to keep the results of the organizing running efficiently. The purpose is to ensure effective resource use and provide daily supervision. Decision making is when the financial manger makes choices among available alternatives. Decision making actually occurs parallel to planning, organizing, and controlling.All types of decision making rely on information, and the primary tasks are analysis and evaluation. The purpose is to make informed choices (Baker and Baker, 2001). synopsis of generally accepted accounting principles and general financial ethical standards Most healthcare organizations operate on the accrual accounting basis. With this type of accounting revenue is recorded when it is earned-not when payment is received and expenses are recorded when they are incurred-not when they are paid.Ethical decision making is required when the healthcare executive must balance the call for and interests of the individual, the organization and society. Those involved in the decision making process must consider ethical principles such as justice, autonomy, beneficence and fairness, as well as professional ethical standards and codes. Physicians, nurses, and other caregivers may primarily address ethical issues on a case-by-case basis. Healthcare executives also have a function to address those issues at broader organization, community, and social levels ACHE, 2007). Examples from articles that reflect ethical standards of conduct and financial reporting practices. Explain import of each example. In May 2004, Larry J. Tyler wrote in an article that financial managers need to keep their own personal finances in order. If a financial manager is living too close to the edge on his/her own finances or are in fear of losing their job, and then they are more likely to bend their convictions (Tyler, 2004).The importance of this example is so financial managers do not fix the books to make the organization look better than it actually is. If s omeone thinks that their job is on the line, they are more likely to do what others want them to do as well. In an article written by Joe Batte, a healthcare compliance specialist, he reported that state and federal agencies are increasing their efforts to eliminate fraud and abuse in healthcare.Batte defines fraud as Knowingly and willfully executing or attempting to execute, a scheme or stratagem to defraud any health care benefit program. Or to obtain, by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations or promises, any of the money or property owned by, or under the bonds of, or control of, any health care benefit program. Batte defines abuse as Abuse is delimit as receiving payment for items and service when there is no legal entitlement for that payment and the provider has not knowingly or intentionally misrepresented the facts to obtain payment.Abuse may, directly or indirectly, result in unnecessary be to the Medicare or Medicaid programs for services which fail to meet recognized standards of care, or that are medically unnecessary. Whether its abuse or fraud, the fact that a provider can lose everything through being excluded from state and federal health care programs participation makes it imperative to run the providers company in a professional, compliant, and business-like fashion. It is also wise to know what is currently being done by the agencies that oversee our health care systems (Batte, Joseph R. 2001). In the articles above, knowledge of what can happen to someone, or the organization as a whole, will deter managers of falsifying financial reports. Education is key to any position, whether healthcare or another. Knowledge of the consequences will sustain keep managers on the straightened arrow. Conclusion It is incumbent upon healthcare executives to lead in a manner that sets an ethical tone for their organizations. Education in ethics is an important step in healthcares executives life-long commitment to high ethical cond uct, both personally and professionally.In todays more aggressive enforcement environment it pays to have an active compliance program in effect, make sure that documentation is complete and legible, and dont assume that the small or medium sized provider is not going to be reviewed on a regular basis. The medical industry is held to a higher standard of ethics and many of the overseeing agencies are now using their considerable arsenal to make sure that fraud and abuse reduction is on everyones front burner.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Biomedical Approach
Introduction Since the time of Enlightenment, Western ideas of health beget been dominated by the biomedical climb up. The basis on which these opinions argon founded is that an case-by-case is non responsible for their affection and that the mind and body regulate separately from each other. Health, in the eyes of this approach rouse be deemed as simply the absence of disease. Part of the reason this vision of health has dominated so much, is that its practiced by the majority of the health professionals and is the staple of the c are received in hospitals.The aim of this duty assignment is to demonstrate the strengths and weaknesses of this system, and to suggest the advantages that using a well-disposed model to view health could bring. Discussion Health, is a word that carries a broad spectrum of intends, it is outlined differently in all walks of life. biomedical health although organism the most recognised is non the only approach and has been called by Naidoo an d Wills (200, p. 9) a narrow view of health. The well-disposed computer simulation contrasts this approach. It focuses on the affectionate and economic factors regarding health and looks at fashions to prevent indisposition before it occurs.Even in the most affluent countries, people who are less well hit have substantially shorter life expectancies (Marmot and Wilkinson, 2003), a social view on health would fool this learning into account, placing emphasis on improving the quality of life to increase life expectancy. Contrastingly the Biomedical order would look at a persevering and prescribe necessary medication, although usually being effective in the short term, this would do nothing to stop the person getting ill again as they would slip by to the same unhealthy lifestyle or purlieu.This could be chance uponn as impersonal, but this scientific approach lowlife be useful in more scenarios as it has been said by Pearson, Vaughan and FitzGerald(2005, p54) that the o verriding concern for the patient is for cure and reckon of his or her disease, and this model gives clear purposeion in this respect. The Biomedical Model has strengths in the sense that illnesses are not everlastingly caused by environmental or lifestyle relate factors. Rather than trying to explain the illness, it searches for a cure.Biomedical apprehension stooge give instant rest period to people who are suffering or in pain, for people involved in accidents and emergency situations this approach is second to n single. It accepts accidents are sometimes unavoidable and concentrates on restoring the individualistic to health in a direct manner. Discarding freak accidents the social model could prove useful. Wilkinson and Marmot(2005, p24) state individuals wrestle to alcohol drugs and tobacco, suffer from their use, but it is influenced by the wider social setting .Upon taking this statement into account, it could be argued that the social model would have a great effe ct in reducing the number of people turning to drugs or alcohol. The biomedical approach would see to it the physiology of the situation in an attempt to understand why an individual might be practice dependent on a drug. The treatment might consist of giving the patient another drug to attention them come off the substance they are using, but the social method would encourage support groups or the 12 step method that was first practiced by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).This method was originally brought about in the 70s and involves patients admitting they are index fingerless to alcohol and coming to believe that a greater power potbelly restore them to health. Although it had much success, it didnt take account for those who did not believe in religion. Since hence non twelve step programs have been brought about that focus on counselling patients on how to take control of their lives. Many centres that practice this method such as the Narconon Freedom Centre(NFC) claim to have a 70% success rate.It is apparent that two biomedical and social models have their place in treating addicts and biomedical science could definitely benefit from the use of techniques from the social model in this case. Because the term health is subjective it can be defined differently. The Biomedical approach may deem someone who is disabled as unhealthy. The way they would aim to treat, for instance someone who has lost the use of their legs is to give them a wheelchair, if the person then became demoralise they might give them medication to alleviate the symptoms of depression.This scientific model is supported by evidence and does work in the sense that disabled people can get medication to decrease pain or equipment to make day to day life easier. The social model however approaches disability in an solely different manner and Smart (2006-2007)states that much of the prejudice and discrimination experienced by people with disabilities occurs not in spite of the Biomedical M odel, but because of the Biomedical Model. It known that disabled people can often be the target of discrimination and stereotyping, perhaps this has something to do with the picture of disability that has een painted by biomedical science. Because the biomedical approach has been at the forefront of health it is understandable that people are wedded to think in accordance of its views, but this doesnt mean that they are always right. The profession of music has, for centuries, been based on the two outcome paradigm of cure or death and vestiges of this paradigm are reflected in payment systems. Therefore, after medical stabilization, much of the funding is withdrawn, not taking into consideration the individuals greatest needs (Yelin, 1992). This quote reiterates the point that the biomedical view may not always be right.The social model in this case would take into account the full recovery of a person so they could return to a desirable quality of life. This is because the soci al model recognises the fact that if a person is affected by something it can impact on their life socially and economically, which in turn can cause numerous problems such as depression, effect on relationships, stress, and anxiety etc. To see a person as healthy as soon as there condition is invariable is a very biomedical approach to the issue, it is possibly unwise to think that as soon as the patient is deemed stable they can return to a normal lifestyle.The possible repercussions of this approach are that many patients will likely return and need more treatment soon after they have left. A potential benefit of using the health model when viewing a situation like the one previously mentioned, is that the patient might be able to receive services like marriage counselling. This is because the social model takes more account of the effects ill health can have on the patients social life.If a patient is depressed this might also have an effect on the health of their friends and f amily meaning that they too may need healthcare for example a depressed patient may take their anger out by being abusive or violent to those around them. This is obviously not good for the familys health so In the grand scheme of things a social approach may also help in keeping the patients family in good health. The cultural identification of the individual is often ignored because the Biomedical Model is based only on biological, organic needs.Psychiatric disabilities, which are super dependent upon the environment of the individual, are not well-funded. Such environmental accommodations could render the individual highly functional (Wright, 1991). For people with psychiatric disabilities the biomedical approach may help to calm them down or nullify the effects of their illness. However comminuted is done to improve their quality of life and this, it could be argued, seems virtually de-humanizing. The model of health would prove useful in this situation by simply creating a n icer environment that will greatly assist the person to return to health.If a return to health is not possible, this utility in environment would still give the person a much more fulfilling life and help to put the families of patients minds at ease. Conclusion On reviewing and comparing the biomedical and social models of health, it can be seen that both models have strengths and weaknesses. Because the biomedical approach has been at the forefront of health people trust it because its what they are used too.. This approach is supported by a wealth of scientific evidence and knowledge and it can efficiently cure a wide range of illnesses or diseases.However the biomedical model takes little into account for the environment of patients and how this can affect their health. The social model realises that health can be defined in ways other than simply the absence of disease. It also takes into account that all patients ideas of health are different and require different treatments. On conclusion it is clear that both models are priceless and the best means for keeping people healthy and administering care would be through using a combination of both methods. Exact word count1490 References Alcoholics Anonymous, n. d.The Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. online Available at http//www. aa. org/en_pdfs/smf-121_en. pdf Accessed 18 December 2010 Barker, R. Kirk, J. and Munday, R. J. , 1988. Narrative analysis. 3rd ed. Bloomington Indiana University Press. Marmot, M. G. And Wilkinson, R. G. , 2006 Social Detirminants of Health the Solid Facts 2nd ed, Oxford, Oxford University Press. Naidoo, J. And Wills, J. ,2009 Health forwarding Foundations for practice 2nd ed. London, Balliere Tindall Narconon Freedom Centre, n. d. online Available at http//www. freedomdrugrehab. omAccessed 17 december 2010. Pearson, A. Vaughan, B. and FitzGerald, M. , 2005. Nursing Models for Practice. 3rd ed. Oxford Butterworth-Heinemann. Smart, J. , 2006-2007. Challenges to the Biomedi cal Model of Disability. Advances in Medical Psychotherapy & Psychodiagnosis, Volume 12,. p1 Wright, B. A. (1991). Labeling The need for greater person-environment individuation. In C. R. Snyder & D. R. Forsythe (Eds. ), Handbook of social and clinical pyschology (pp. 469-487). Elmsford, NY Pergamon Yelin, E. H. (1992). Disability and the displaced worker. New Brunswick, NJ Rutgers University
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Self Reliance
The Idea of Ameri lowlife ego credit From the readings of Cooper, Hawthorne, and Emerson you get a coherent understanding of how each writer taken the caprice of American self Reliance. egotism- Reliance is defined as the dependence on superstars own efforts and abilities . thither atomic number 18 profound strengths in promoting and practicing the idea of Self-Reliance but also evident weaknesses if the phrase is taken too literally.While making reference to Cooper, Hawthorne and Emersons readings the following essay will discuss the otion of American Self Reliance as well as an advantage and a disadvantage that can be caused by full living by its creed. Most of us strive for success and independence. Most take pride in themselves for being able to start from the bottom and emerge on top with no inspection and repair from others. This is typically interpreted as self-importance reliance. However, it is not al directions possible to rise to the top by our efforts solely. At times we all need help in succeeding in life or plain bettering ourselves.Emersons writing persuades you to opine that man alone is completely self qualified for him r herself. I observe this as a disadvantage or weakness in thought and practice because you cannot always believe that you will never need help from anyone or anything. This type of thinking could potentially stagnant ones develop and the reluctance to ask for or accept help would be the cause. Emerson writes To believe your own thought, to believe that what is consecutive for you in your private heart, is true for all men, that is genius.I disagree with this statement because it can be interpreted negatively or verificatoryly and from the reading I deduced that Emerson only presented his statement in a positive cogitation. This reiterate further influences us to believe that if we feel we can accomplish anything on our own in our hearts then everyone should believe this as well and in turn this is the most in tellectual way to think. Unfortunately there are countless times when what we believe true in our hearts, whether it concerns our capabilities or accomplishments, are in reality not feasible.Certain external or internal factors beyond our control can thwart our progress. Although, with the help of others, and the renouncement of the notion of living trictly by a creed of self- reliance, one could possibly register success in their thoughtful aspirations regardless of the unknown or potential hindrances that may lie ahead. With help we are able to maneuver and the ability to maneuver in our lives is an advantage and strength. I do not disagree with the complete ideology of self reliance.Emerson writes, What I must do, is all that concerns me, not what the people think. It is prosperous in the world to live aft(prenominal) the worlds opinion it is easy in solitude to live after our own but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd eeps with perfect fragrancy the independ ence of solitude. This quote is powerful because it depicts the strength or advantage (great man) that one can put one over in life if they focus on self and not worry about the opinions and conformity that parliamentary law attempts to influence them with.It dupes reference to will-power, determination and in solitude, amidst society. Having independent thought no matter what coaxes exists is a rattling aspect of self reliance. In Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown he writes, Faith Faith cried the husband. Look up to Heaven, and resist the Wicked One . Despite the fact that Hawthorne does not specifically mention the theory of self reliance in Young Goodman Brown, it is still included metaphorically throughout the text.Here Hawthorne support Emersons ideology of Self Reliance by showing the strong will and determination Goodman Brown had by sticking to his beliefs and resorting to the high power (God) in the face of evil and ultimately veering away from the influence of the wicked that meet him. After Brown sticks to his beliefs and does not conform to those of his surrounding environment he finds imself alone again in the woods, everything having vanished.Staying committed in your beliefs and views at all times whether in solitude or among others is important and as Hawthorne depicts, can entirely alter a predicament or situation for the better. From the readings I also reason that self reliance is not only about believing in yourself or staying true to who you are despite the influence of society it is also about not abusing the resources that god has put forth for you to flourish. crowd together Fenimore Cooper writes in The Pioneers, Its much better to kill only such as ou want, without wasting your grind and lead, than to be firing into Gods creaters in such a wicked manner.But I come out for a bird, and you know the reason why I like small game, Mr. Oliver, and now I have got one I will go home, for I dont like to see these wasty ways that you are a ll practysing, as if the least thing was not made for use, and not to destroy. Cooper reveals a portion of his interpretation of Self reliance with this excerpt from The Pioneers. The character who speaks these words, Natty Bumppo, was portrayed as the embodiment of American Self-Reliance, who ived free, was strong, determined, self sufficient and lived close to nature.Cooper believed that connection with nature was essential for ones development and ability to be self reliant. In this quote he portrays his distaste for killing gods creations for game and not necessity, which translate into the abuse of our natural resources. Cooper, Hawthorne and Emerson collectively make some great points and examples of American Self Reliance throughout their works. However, it is important to acknowledge that some of their ideologies can serve as strengths as well as potential eaknesses. Cooper, F.J. (2003). The Pioneers. In N. Baym, The Norton Anthology of Literature (pp. 440-449). New York No rton & Company. Emerson, R. (2003). Self Reliance. In N. Baym, The Norton Anthology of Literature (pp. 450-467). New York Norton & Company. Hawthorne, N. (2003). Young Goodman Brown. In N. Baym, The Norton Anthology of Literature (pp. 613-623). New York Norton & Company. Merriam- Webster. com. (2013, November 3). Retrieved November 3, 2013, from Merriam- Webster http//www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/self%20reliance
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
BrandAnalysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
BrandAnalysis - turn out ExampleBrand Promise The promise that Starbucks makes is that the customer ordain get perfect deep brown both single time, just the way the customer wants it. Starbucks maintains its own coffee bean farms to make sure the beans willing be exactly as required for the coffee products that Starbucks makes for its customers. This means that coffee made around the orbit in various Starbuck stores, also caters to the local population and culture and, therefore, builds its coffee drinks to suit the customers, that chill out not deviate from Starbucks core values. As an example, Starbucks put out a notice about the current espresso promise in Dubai, U.A.E. that each cup of coffee will be perfect. Additionally, Starbucks also launched the Starbucks Blonde ridicule which is comprised of the worlds best Arabica beans to provide a lighter coffee that still provides the best of Starbucks coffees but with a more mellow taste (Starbucks Newsroom, 2012). Brand Per sonality The Starbucks brand personality is one communicate a place where you can purchase your coffee and then sit down in the store, relax, reproof with friends, while drinking your coffee and maybe have breakfast or lunch at the alike time. All Starbucks stores promise to provide clean, and restful stores with plenty of sitting room, should customers need it. Starbucks projects an image of a business, choke by people who c be about your needs and desires, and will work to see that you get what you want. The imagination is to give customers a place away from home to relax, but feel just as well-off as if they were still home, short of being still in ones pajamas. Brand determine The value the Starbucks Corporation promotes is that it builds on its values and that it is important to do the right thing. Starbucks is heavily invested in the communities where the stores crossways the world are located. This year, two stores, one in Los Angeles, California and one in Harlem, Ne w York, will see profits put back into its community for development purposes. Additionally, Starbucks, rather than sending jobs overseas, will present a new roasting facility for its VIA instant coffee product, creating nearly 200 new jobs in Augusta, Georgia. CEO Howard Schultz also has created the Jobs Initiative Program which already has raised millions of dollars from 600,000+ customers that will go to a net income of loan sources for small businesses. Plenty of similar actions have also taken place around the world, creating a persona of goodwill ambassador for the American people (Gray, 2012). Brand Attributes Starbucks brand attributes are reflected through and through the different types of coffee drinks created for its diverse consumer base. Additionally, store baristas are trained to provide information on all aspects of the coffee beans used in any coffee drinks and know how to make every drink currently on the menu. Other attributes also include the customer service i nvolved, such as the Starbucks Rewards Card, which records the drinks purchased over time and later about 10 to 15 drinks, customers can get a free drink or are allowed extra creams and other ingredients. With the Starbucks Card, the company is also able to keep in constant contact with customers through surveys and advertising promotions. Its main attribute is showing the customers that Starbucks cares and wants to know everything possible about how to please the customer.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
High Court Justices Use of Constitutional Principles Essay
High Court Justices Use of Constitutional Principles - Essay typefaceTherefore, any reasonable understanding of the fact that the immunity of political communication can non be taken for personal rights leads not just to the stated conclusions. Contrary to that, the main reason, this underlies the freedom of political communication, needs coverage of a wide range of communication, is reliable to some level of concern for personal autonomy and calls for the subjection of the rough-cut law to the constitution in the same way the executive and the legislative action has been2. David Lange, the New Zealand undercoat minister, was featured as the subject of a report on the ABC, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, current personal stage business program. The four corners of they had alleged a report that the Labour Party of New Zealand and within the government had not been properly under the power of large business interest, due to the way the interests made large donations to the option campaigns in31987. David Lange was the prime minister of New Zealand at the specific time described in the report. He pleasant many issues that the report did not contain true issues but all that was contained there was false. He jilted the information that was contained in the report that during the specific time he as the prime minister, had permitted large business donors to commend government policy he had allowed some public assets to be purchased by the donors while at the same time abused public office and was unfit to hold it. This is because he had permitted a debt incurred during his campaigns by his party to be written off4. The prime minister had been, according to the report, corrupt and deceitful. This is because he had accepted sugar and goods of shares from a leading business to allow the business influence policies in favor of its interests5. In an hold judgment, the court clarified the interaction between the defamation laws and the freedom of political communication and the connection of the freedom to state and the Commonwealth matters. The court pointed out that the freedom was not limited to the election periods but was sooner held to be an on-going freedom. The freedom of political communication was therefore declared by the court as a functioning of a responsible and a democratic government.
Monday, May 13, 2019
Graffiti as a Voice for Teens Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Graffiti as a Voice for Teens - Term Paper sheathPeer pressure may be in either positive or negative ship canal where the students that succumb to its negative side, ordain end up making bad choices that lead them to a slick slope. The result of a slippery slope is the unfortunate development of bad habits such as smoking, intoxicant and/or drug abuse and engaging in criminal activities. For this reason, every high school should score an open forum for the students where they are free and at ease to discuss challenges they face in their occasional lives. Teachers and counselors should then be at hand to talk them through overcoming the challenges and turning them into opportunities for growth and success into the future. In creating such an open forum, the school should consider the emotional, physical and mental status of the students and come up with creative and exciting activities in order to encourage their participation. Considering their emotional, physical and mental s tatus includes recognizing that the students will be quick in different areas where non-performance in academics does not render them failures. Students may instead be skilled in non-academic activities such as painting, drawing, playing musical instruments or photography. Teachers should hence, reserve this in mind when interacting with the students in the class. The institution should also consider this when structuring such open forums. The adolescent has thoughts and interpretations about various issues in their environment and will want to express these through various means. Because of their youthfulness, their energy needs to be directed into positive shipway of voicing their views and opinions to prevent them from being destructive. Besides that, there may be students that lack interest in political or environmental issues, which undoubtedly will affect them. The administrations should then use the crowd encephalon to arouse interest in such students using creative works from the students that have an interest.
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Choose a topic that falls within the time frame of 1945-1964 Essay
Choose a topic that fall within the time frame of 1945-1964 - Essay ExampleSubsequently, the paper will highlight some of the ship canal the Judaic population were accepted into American society.Between 1945 and 1960, the United States of America advocated for the survival of the Jews. During this era, world warfare two had just come to an end and hence an era of human destructiveness was ushered. Only three cardinal Jews were alive in around 1945 out of a total of nine million in 1939. For roughly of the Jews who were alive during this period, there was no home to go to in Europe1. For the few Jews who attempted to go prickle to their pre-war homes (Europe), cold hatred, and local ethnic violence awaited them. Between 1945 and 1946, allied forces returned home from war piece to abandon the destructive life they had lived. With this wave came more than half a million Jewish soldiers and marines. The Jews had get together the American forces and fought alongside them during the war. By 1946, they were being referred to as Jewish Americans rather than the more unfriendly name American Jews.The American society commenced accepting the Jewish population in 1945. For example, Miss Myerson was crowned in Atlantic City, New Jersey as Miss America in September 1945. She had Jewish immigrant parents. This intercommunicate implied that the American population was slowly accepting the Jews into their society. 2The era after WWII marked the delineation between what was entire and evil. The American nation stood for what was good while fascism, communism and Nazism represented or were considered to be evil. 3The American government commenced on a voyage of destroying anti-Semitic groups between 1946 to 1950. During this exercise, more than 35 anti-Semitic groups in America were banned or shut down. Although some groups remained, they were however pushed to be more receptive to the Jewish population. The stigma associated with being part of the Nazis also helped to reduce
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